Wury Dwiwardani(1*)

(1) Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM Jln. Sosiohumaniora Bulaksumur Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Yoshimoto Banana’ choice on a space as the title of his novel, Kitchin or Kitchen, that describes the importance
of space for the novel becomes the background of this research. Besides, this study is also grounded by a previous
study conducted by Kazuo Nakajima and The aim of this study is to reveal the response toward cultural colonization
emerging in postcolonial space of novel Kitchin. The study is conducted by analyzing the relationship of significant
textual units in the text, as well as linking it with the data outside by using postcolonial theory about space. The results
of this study can be summarized as follows. In Kitchin, there are representation of colonial concept and traditional
concept. Besides the representation of the two groups, there are also depictions of chaos. It is a form of new ideas that
refuse combination that build opposition between colonial structures and traditions. The chaos emerges a new structure
which consists of more than two opposition; colonial and traditions. These new ideas are connected to efforts to survive
in a society that has been colonized culturally.
Keywords: cultural colonization, postcolonial space, Kitchin.


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