Optimizing Crystal Size Distribution Based on Different Cooling Strategies in Batch Crystallization Process
Crystal size distribution (CSD) is an essential criterion for determining the production of high-quality crystals since it influences the efficiency of the crystallization process. Producing specified CSD in the crystallization process represents a main challenge as it depends on temperature control, which indirectly regulates the solution’s concentration and affects the crystal’s evolution. Different temperature profiles may influence the distribution of crystal products, and a suitable optimization algorithm is required to produce an optimum temperature trajectory that produces the desired CSD. Thus, this study aims to maximize the CSD of the grown seed crystals while minimizing the nucleus-grown crystals by employing the best optimization algorithm for the potash alum crystallization process. The crystallization process was developed and simulated in Matlab software using a potash alum in the water system. Four optimization algorithms were proposed with different objective functions, such as maximizing mean crystal size (I), minimizing coefficient of variation (II), minimizing nucleus-grown crystals (III), and maximizing CSD (IV). Based on the simulation results, optimization IV, which maximizes CSD, performs best with a large mean crystal size of 490 µm. Furthermore, the number of fine crystals was among the lowest at a volume distribution of 0.00071 m3/m compared to the linear profile at 0.00191 m3/m. Optimization IV employs a dissolution strategy, which manipulates two quality specifications in one algorithm (size of crystals and number of fines), which is considered the best optimal cooling profile for seeded batch crystallization by maximizing CSD and minimizing the generation of nucleus-grown crystals.
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