Production of Lipids from Municipal Sewage Sludge by Two Stage Extraction Process

  • Bharathi P Department of Biotechnology, Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engg & Technology
  • Pennarsi M Department of Biotechnology, Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engg & Technology
Keywords: lipids, municipal waste, sludge, solvent extraction


In this investigation, municipal sewage sludge was used as a lipid feedstock. Two stage extraction processes was developed to obtain good yield of lipid content. The maximum lipid yields 32.5% was achieved from chloroform: methanol solvents through optimum conditions of 2:1 ratio, 50oC temp for 30 min. The lipid content was characterized by TLC analysis. The lipid properties were analyzed and proved as a lipid. Hence, municipal sewage sludge serves as a valuable raw material for lipid production


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How to Cite
P, B., & M, P. (2016). Production of Lipids from Municipal Sewage Sludge by Two Stage Extraction Process. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(1), 38-44. Retrieved from