Juris Gentium Law Review 2024-09-01T09:21:18+07:00 M Raihan Sjahputra Open Journal Systems <p>Juris Gentium Law Review (JGLR) is a student-run journal found in 2012 in association with the Community of International Moot Court (CIMC), Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Since then, we have annually published print journals written by law students worldwide. See our archives dating back to 2012 in our old website <a title="JGLR OJS 2 Old Website" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.&nbsp;</p> Where is the Energy: Object and Purpose of the ECT under the Sunset Clause Scrutiny 2024-09-01T09:21:18+07:00 SALMA MAWA KAMILA <p>This article aims to find the equilibrium between the compatibility of the object and purpose of the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”) and the plan of reduction of the 20-year protection of the sunset clause which becomes the hindrance of States to fully commit with their environmental obligations in the face of climate change. In so doing, a qualitative, normative, and doctrinal approach will be employed to elaborate, dissect, and analyse the issues. In producing the analysis of the issue, this article assembles primary sources (original legal texts) and secondary sources (cases, books, commentaries, preparatory work, newspaper articles, online sources) to meaningfully find the object and purpose of the ECT and its interpretation and implementation. The finding shows that the object and purpose is to enhance energy co-operation through protection of investment and safeguard towards the environment. Thus, the sunset clause reduction plan is compatible with the ECT’s object and purpose.</p> 2024-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Juris Gentium Law Review