Background: In recent years, there has been a trend away from global satisfaction measures to a more detailed measurement of the patient experience. While the measurement of service quality through patient experience is still rarely done in Indonesia. The number of hospitals in Malang city increase every year that creates fairly tough competition in hospital business. To answer that challenge, RSIA Mawar has measured the patient satisfaction index with an achievement of 82-89% with the lowest satisfaction score in outpatient services. Even so, hospital still received several negative comments written by patients in the 'suggestions and input' column on the patient satisfaction form. This indicates that the patient satisfaction survey has not described the real experience that patients receive.
Objectives: To describe the outpatient experience and formulate recommendations for improving the outpatient experience at RSIA Mardi Waloeja Rampal, Malang.
Methods: The design of this study is a retrospective case study. The research subjects were patients in outpatient services, doctors and nurses in outpatient services, and related hospital management. Quantitative data were collected by translated and modified outpatient experience questionnaire (OPEQ). Quantitative data will be processed and presented descriptively. Qualitative data were obtained by in-depth interviews with outpatients, doctors, and nurses as well as discussions with groups of hospital management. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically.
Results: Quantitative studies show that the majority of respondents agree with the statements in the outpatient experience questionnaire. Qualitative studies dig deeper informations into quantitative results and also generate recommendations for improvement. In addition to the seven dimensions of outpatient experience, it was found that the number of human resources in the hospital was also considered to influence the patient experience.
Conclusions: The dimension that has provided a good experience in outpatient services is the dimension of nurse-patient communication. The dimensions that still need improvement are the dimensions of health information and medical costs. There are several recommendations that have been formulated to improve the outpatient experience. RSIA Mawar is expected to be able to measure patient experiences and discuss it regularly.
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