Background: Drug management needs to be done to prevent stock out, over stock, and drug purchases due to emergency conditions. Reports of drug management problems at Amal Sehat Sragen Hospital are stock outs resulting in immediate drug purchases and patients do not get the drug as they should. Lean Six Sigma combines two methodologies to help speed up certain processes so they can solve problems faster while creating more value for customers. When combined, these create a powerful methodology for managing a business and completing tasks on time, on budget, saving money, adding value and increasing productivity.
Objectives: Assessing the implementation of Lean Six Sigma to reduce variation and processing time for drug procurement at the Pharmacy Installation of Amal Sehat Sragen Hospital.
Methods: The method used in this study is a mixed methods with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach.
Results: The results of the sample data that has variations and processing time are correlated with criticality, cost, and performance values to obtain Importance Index (II) values. Calculation of Importance Index (II), before implementation, 3 items with high Importance Index (II) values were obtained, namely "Gabapentin 300mg" (8.7), "Metformin 500mg (11.8), and "Lisinopril 5mg" (10.7) which decreased after implementation to “Gabapentin 300mg” (4.5), “Metformin 500mg (3.2), and “Lisinopril 5mg” (5.3). Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of drug procurement by measuring the lead time in cycle I was 9 days 23 hours 25 minutes, decreasing to 4 days 7 hours 50 minutes in cycle III. The efficiency measure based on the Value-added ratio (VAR) in cycle I was 14% and increased to 34% in cycle III.
Conclusions: The implementation of Lean Six Sigma with DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and Participatory Action Research approaches (three cycles) was able to reduce variations in the drug procurement process (critical criteria, performance, and cost) and overall lead time in the drug procurement process at Amal Sehat Sragen Hospital.
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