Background : Registration using the UGM RSA Online Application has been implemented at Rumah Sakit Akademik UGM since 2021. In practice, those who register via the application were 9% at the end of 2021 and increase to 25% in mid- 2022 of all outpatients visiting the hospital. Therefore research was conducted to see the implementation and evaluation of the UGM Online RSA Application.
Purposes : Implementation evaluates the application RSA UGM Online at Rumah Sakit Akademik UGM with the HOT Fit approach. That seeing from the human factor, technology, organization, and net benefits.
Methods : This research adopts and embedded design using mixed methods approach. Quantitative take precedence with the survey, following by in-depth interviews. Utilizing convenient and purposive sampling, this research was conducted at RSA UGM from 18th July 2022-12th August 2022.
Results : Surveys involved 42 patients and 28 employees, while in-depth interviews included 7 employees. The majority of patients and employees in the surveys strongly agreed or agreed with statements regarding Humans, Organizations, Technology, and Net Benefits in relation to the application’s implementation. The benefits included simplifying patient registration, reducing waiting times, predicting queues providing rapid information, supporting caring and friendly hospital services and reducing duplications, thereby reducing patients registration complaints. Obstacles included patients sometimes being unfamiliar with online registration (e.g. elderly), device compatibility issues with the application, outdated or inflexible interfaces, inappropriate doctor schedules, and lack of integration with other systems.
Conclusions : The RSA UGM Online Application reviewed through the dimension of human factors, organization, and technology, shows satisfactory alignment (fit) and offers beneficial health services. However, there are some obstacles that need to be addressed and further improvements to more increase the number of users.
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