Background: Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is an effort to guarantee safety and improve the health status of workers/laborers by preventing accidents and occupational diseases, controlling hazards in the workplace, and improving health, treatment and rehabilitation.
Occupational Health and Safety efforts concern the workforce, work methods/methods, work tools, work processes and work environment. In the filling room at the Mlati II Health Center, the wooden shelves for storage at the Mlati II Health Center were too tall compared to the heights of some officers, so officers had difficulty accessing medical record files. The storage space for medical record files is still narrow,
so it needs to be reviewed according to occupational health and safety standards.
Objective: This study aims to describe the implementation of occupational safety and health in the Mlati II Health Center filling division.
Method: This is qualitative descriptive research with a case study design. The subjects of this study were 3 medical record officers and 1 OSH team. The object of this research is the implementation of K3 and the filling room of the Mlati II Health Center. Data were collected by passive participatory observation and semi-structured interviews
with informants.
Results: The observation results show that the space for movement is still too narrow. The distance between the shelves for storing medical record files is 43 cm, 51 cm, 70 cm and 90 cm. Room temperature and humidity are still below standard. Lighting in both filling rooms is still below the standard set by the Minister of Health. And the noise
level in the filling room is in accordance with the standards. The filling room was clean, but some documents were still dusty; there were no K3 signs and standard operating procedures related to occupational safety and health. Efforts to prevent fires in the Mlati II Health Center filling room are quite good, with the fire extinguisher in the filling room area.
Conclusion: There is still a discrepancy in the filling room regarding security and work safety for storage officers.
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