Integrasi Sentiment Analysis SentiWordNet pada Metode MOORA untuk Rekomendasi Pemilihan Smartphone

  • Indra Hidayatulloh Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Muhammad Zidny Naf’an Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Keywords: sistem pendukung keputusan, MOORA, sentiment analysis, SentiWordNet, smartphone


Besides specification and price, smartphone reviews can affect on consumer interest buying. This study aims to use the value of smartphone review sentiment as one of the attributes/criterias in addition to specifications and prices on the calculation of Decision Support System using MOORA method to generate smartphone recommendations. Sentiment value is obtained from sentiment analysis using SentiWordNet. There are two approaches of MOORA method used in this research, Ratio System and Reference Point Approach. Testing has been done by comparing the results of smartphone recommendations between approaches on the MOORA method, with or without sentiment analysis, on smartphone rankings based on the number of smartphone fans on the GSM Arena site. The test results show that the method of MOORA with Ratio System approach without sentiment analysis has the best accuracy among other approaches.


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How to Cite
Indra Hidayatulloh, & Muhammad Zidny Naf’an. (2018). Integrasi Sentiment Analysis SentiWordNet pada Metode MOORA untuk Rekomendasi Pemilihan Smartphone. Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro Dan Teknologi Informasi, 7(1), 21-26. Retrieved from