Pembuatan Aplikasi Pencatatan Servis Mobil di PT. Armada International Motor Berbasis Android

  • Christine Dewi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Kumala Nindya Pramono Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Keywords: Servis mobil, Pencatatan, Aplikasi mobile, GCM


PT. Armada Internasional Motor (PT. AIM) is an
automotive company that has not only a sales division but also a
workshop division. There are some problems that occur in the
workshop division of PT. AIM, namely the ineffectiveness of data
recording of new customers for new services, as they are using
desktop-based application, hence, the customers must come to
the office beforehand. Furthermore, the data of service needs
and the Letter of Reparation Order by the Checker are not
directly known since they are in the desktop-system located in
the office, and the Service Advisor (SA) cannot directly find out
whether the service has been completed or not because the
Checker has to make a manual report to SA. From some of those
problems, it is concluded that a data recording system with the
portable and efficient mobile technology is highly needed. The
result of this study is an application of car service data recording
for both the SA and the Checker. The system of car service data
recording applies Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) technology to
facilitate the delivery of notice to the SA and the Checker.


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How to Cite
Christine Dewi, & Kumala Nindya Pramono. (2016). Pembuatan Aplikasi Pencatatan Servis Mobil di PT. Armada International Motor Berbasis Android. Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro Dan Teknologi Informasi, 4(4), 201-206. Retrieved from