Framework and Code Generator for Android Development with Clean Architecture Principles Implementation

  • Aflah Taqiu Sondha Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
  • Umi Sa’adah Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Fadilah Fahrul Hardiansyah Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Maulidan Bagus Afridian Rasyid PT. Maulidan Teknologi Kreatif
Keywords: Android, Framework, Code Generator, Clean Architecture, Arsitektur MVP, Maintainability


Android is one of smartphone operating systems that has highest market share in Indonesia. Due to its high market share, Android developers must develop Android applications faster and produce maintainable code. Unfortunately, the existing Android development system is not effective because of its dependency on the developer's experiences and pieces of knowledge that differ from each other. Therefore, there must be a new Android development model to produce maintainable code that implements clean architecture principles code with shorter time development. This system produces a code generator in Android Studio's template plugin that will generate a framework of the Android project with MVP architecture and implements clean architecture inside that framework. This generated framework is also directly integrated with an Android library dependency that contains common functions that are frequently used by Android developers. Testing result shows that this system saves 42% of Android application time development and generates code that has an 81% maintainability level.


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How to Cite
Aflah Taqiu Sondha, Umi Sa’adah, Fadilah Fahrul Hardiansyah, & Maulidan Bagus Afridian Rasyid. (2020). Framework and Code Generator for Android Development with Clean Architecture Principles Implementation. Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro Dan Teknologi Informasi, 9(4), 327-335.