Journal of Social Development Studies
<p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Social Development Studies (JSDS) publishes peer-reviewed articles on all social development issues that are widely scattered both in Indonesia and wide-globe region countries. The journal aims to encourage the knowledge sharing activities between academics, scholars and practitioners in this field. Moreover, the journal is published since 2020 and managed by the Department of Social Development and Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada twice per year, in March and September. In 2021 JSDS indexed in Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) and in 2022 got national accreditation SINTA 3. The journal focuses on three main areas of discussions: community empowerment, corporate social responsibility, and social policy. The journal welcomes papers that discuss the following themes: Social Movement and Empowerment; Human Rights, Citizenship and Development; Social Entrepreneurship; Community Development Theories, Approaches and Methods; Community Organization and Participation; Socio-cultural, Environmental and Economic Development; Industrial Relations; Decent Work; Education and Social Policy; Health Insurance and Policy; Social Protection; Wellbeing, Welfare, and Development; Poverty and Social Justice; Social Inclusion; Gender, Family and Development; Digital Technology and Development; Welfare Regime.</p>Department of Social Development and Welfare, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Madaen-USJournal of Social Development Studies2721-3870Process-Tracing dan Prospeknya sebagai Metode Alternatif dalam Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Process tracing</em> semakin populer digunakan dalam menguji atau mengembangkan teori berdasarkan sebab-akibat. Namun apa sebenarnya metode <em>process tracing</em>, dan bagaimana cara menggunakannya dalam penelitian empiris? Artikel ini menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dengan terlebih dahulu merangkum <em>state-of-the-art </em>metode penelusuran proses, membedakannya dari pendekatan penelitian kualitatif konvensional, dan menunjukkan bagaimana peneliti dapat menerapkan metode ini dalam desain penelitian deduktif dan induktif. Selain itu, artikel kami juga menyajikan landasan ontologis, epistemologis dan aksiologis dari metode <em>process-tracing</em> dan menempatkannya dalam kerangka pemikiran neo-positivis daripada interpretatif. Analisis kami menunjukkan bahwa penelusuran proses menawarkan beberapa keuntungan bagi penelitian berorientasi proses, antara lain: memungkinkannya pengembangan penjelasan kausal lebih meyakinkan, mensistematisasi data ke dalam penjelasan yang terstruktur, dan menilai relevansi teori-teori yang berkembang kedalam realitas sosial secara sistematis dan lebih akurat. Artikel ini merupakan artikel berbahasa Indonesia pertama yang dapat menjadi panduan ringkas, namun komprehensif, bagi mahasiswa ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik untuk memahami dan mengaplikasikan metode <em>process tracing</em> kedalam riset secara efektif.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong><em>process tracing, </em>penelusuran proses, <em>causal mechanism</em>, metodologi</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Process tracing has gained popularity as a method for testing and developing theories related to cause-and-effect in social reality. However, what exactly is process tracing, and how can it be utilized in empirical research? This article addresses these questions by first summarizing the current state-of-the-art process-tracing methods, distinguishing them from conventional qualitative research approaches, and demonstrating how researchers can apply these methods within deductive and inductive research designs. Additionally, the article discusses the ontological, epistemological, and axiological foundations of process tracing, situating it within a neo-positivist framework rather than an interpretive one. Our analysis suggests that process tracing offers several advantages for process-oriented research: it enables the development of more convincing causal explanations, organizes data into structured narratives, and regularly and accurately evaluates the relevance of theories to social reality. This article serves as the first comprehensive guide in the Bahasa for social and political sciences students, providing them with the understanding and tools necessary to apply the process tracing method in their research effectively.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>process tracing, causal mechanism</em>, <em>methodology</em></p>Tauchid Komara YudaCahyani Widi Larasakti
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