Informasi2024-10-31T09:55:43+07:00Purwani IstianamediainfoUGM@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Media Informasi merupakan Jurnal terbitan Perpustakaan UGM sebagai wadah bagi pustakawan dan pemerhati perpustakaan dan informasi untuk menerbitkan karya ilmiah di bidang kepustakawanan dan informasi. Media Informasi diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (Juni dan Desember). Mulai Volume 32 Nomor 1, Media Informasi terbit online. Artikel yang diterbitkan dapat berupa model dan konsep pemikiran, <em>best practise</em>, review literatur dan hasil penelitian yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan perpustakaan dan kepustakawanan. Setiap artikel memuat informasi mutakhir yang mengutamakan konsep-konsep dari sumber informasi terbaru, asli, dan mempunyai nilai manfaat. Artikel yang terbit telah melalui proses editorial dan <em>review</em>. Bagi pustakawan dan pemerhati perpustakaan yang ingin mengirimkan artikel, silakan <strong>sign up</strong> sebagai penulis lalu <strong>login</strong> untuk mengirimkannya. Pedoman penulis dapat diakses di <strong>petunjuk untuk penulis</strong>. Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi redaksi melalui email <a href=""></a></p> Masyarakat Melalui Transformasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Inklusi Sosial 2024-10-31T09:55:43+07:00Dwi Fitrina<p><em>The library serves as a learning environment and a hub for information to develop community empowerment initiatives and foster the development of a clever, intellectual, independent, and affluent society. Social inclusion-based library transformation for community empowerment. Libraries are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of their patrons, which calls for professional cooperation between librarians and other experts. This study will therefore address the actual implementation of social inclusion activities in libraries.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em>;</em></strong> <em>Social inclusion, Community empowerment, Library transformation, Librarians.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-08-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitrina Cahya Pustakawan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Perpustakaan FKKMK Universitas Gadjah Mada2024-10-08T14:40:48+07:00Maniso Mustarariecoconut27@gmail.comKatrin Setyo<p><em>The professionalism and competence of the librarians of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University (FKKMK UGM) and high-quality library services are major concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze competency improvement and factors that influence librarian competence and efforts that must be made to maintain and improve librarian competence in the UGM FKKMK library after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted qualitatively and data was collected through interviews and observations from May 15 to 30 May 2023 with seven (7) Librarians of FKKMK UGM. The results showed that the key factors influencing the competence and professionalism of librarians at the Gadjah Mada University FKKMK library after the Covid-19 pandemic were competence, motivation, management support, work environment, and involvement in professional training and development. Efforts are being made to maintain and improve it, including increasing the competence and skills of librarians through professional training and development, providing adequate management support, encouraging the involvement of librarians in professional and organizational activities, and creating a conducive work environment. Factors such as competence, motivation, management support, work environment, and involvement in training and professional development play an important role in increasing the professionalism of librarians. Therefore, there needs to be action taken to maintain and improve the professionalism of librarians through professional training and development, management support, involvement in professional and organizational activities, and creating a conducive work environment.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maniso Mustar, Katrin Setyodevi Kata Kunci Artikel Jurnal IQRA’ (Jurnal Perpustakaan Dan Informasi) UINSU Tahun 2020-2022 Menggunakan Software VOSviewer2024-10-14T09:33:34+07:00Hanny Chairany Suyonohannychaira12@gmail.comShinta Sisca<p><em>Pemetaan atau visualisasi dalam ilmu pengetahuan sangat penting mengingat dapat menggambarkan secara garis besar isi dari suatu literatur sehingga mempermudah pembacanya. Pemetaan atau visualisasi yang dilakukan penulis kali ini untuk melihat apakah kata kunci (keywords) yang muncul pada artikel Jurnal IQRA’ Tahun 2020-2022 sudah sesuai dengan kaidah atau perspektif bidang jurnalnya. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis software bibliometrik yaitu Publish of Perish, Mendeley dan VOSviewer. </em><em>Jumlah kutipan yang dihitung berdasarkan Google Scholar dalam rentang waktu 3 tahun tersebut adalah 51 artikel.</em> <em>Berdasarkan hasil data keywords di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada 10 besar kata kunci yang telah dirangkum dari 149 keywords. Diantaranya yaitu, Perpustakaan, Pustakawan, Informasi, Tokoh Arsip, Literasi Informasi dan sebagainya. </em><em>IQRA: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi adalah jurnal ilmiah di bidang Informasi, Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan</em><em>. Berdasarkan penjelasan ini, maka keywords yang muncul telah sesuai dengan bidang artikel Jurnal IQRA’.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em></strong><em>: Visualisasi; Pemetaan; Bibliometrik; Perangkat Lunak</em></p>2024-10-14T09:28:33+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hanny Chairany Suyono Pengaruh Minat Baca Terhadap Kesehatan Mental di Perguruan Tinggi2024-10-31T09:28:20+07:00Kusdarmawan Nur<p>Humans inherently have diverse hobbies, which are influenced by their interests and abilities. While many people enjoy playing soccer, others might have a passion for reading books. This discussion will focus on the hobby of reading among college students. People's reactions and emotions when reading books can vary widely. For example, reading a romantic novel may evoke feelings of joy, while a horror book might induce fear. Additionally, when reading a book related to one’s own life experiences, an individual may become engrossed and read it cover to cover. This study aims to explore the impact of reading interest on mental health among students. Engaging with books that are both captivating and personally relevant is likely to enhance a person’s interest in reading. Moreover, if an individual is struggling with unresolved mental health issues, a book that resonates with their personal experiences may offer insights or solutions to cope with mental stress. This research will examine how high literacy levels can assist individuals in becoming more courageous and self-confident when facing challenges, both within and outside the campus environment.</p>2024-10-31T09:23:07+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kusdarmawan Nur Ilham