ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy
<p>ASEAN Journal of CI-EL Applied Philosophy open-access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles related to the theme of Humane Entrepreneurial Marketing. Our mission is devoted to the idea of entrepreneurship for humanity, that ethics and humanitarian values should precede capitalistic interest in today’s business practice. We focus on topics such as economics, business ethics, and applied philosophy.<br>ASEAN Journal of CI-EL Applied Philosophy was first published in 2023 by Faculty of Philosophy Universitas Gadjah Mada. Our journal accepts submissions from everyone, including scholars and practitioners seeking to contribute academically to the socio-cultural and humanitarian issues in business ethics and applied philosophy.</p> (Rangga Kala Mahaswa, S.Fil., M.Phil.) (Rahmat Alfianto, S.Kom.)Mon, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700OJS Contribution of Confucian Ethics toward Business Development in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
<p>The success of Confucianism has brought changes in various aspects of life, including in the economic field. Confucianism teaches about human relationships that must have courtesy, courage, wisdom, loyalty, and trustworthiness. These teachings can be the basis for efforts to deal with business development in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Business conditions are full of competition, so not a few business people commit deviant acts in order to achieve personal gain. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The main data is sourced from literature studies. This research was conducted to find out how to harmonize Confucian business ethics towards business development in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The benefit of this research is that it can be a reference in developing business in the industrial revolution era based on the teachings of Confucian business ethics.</p>Lasiyo Lasiyo
Copyright (c) 2023 ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700How Algorithm Improves Mindreading Capacity?
<p>The digital era has brought humans to a change in life culture that demands to always adapt. Changes in lifestyle and life needs are closely related to business development efforts. Algortima is used as one of the tools used to make it easier for entrepreneurs to understand consumer desires and market opportunities to be achieved. Algorithms are able to provide an overview of the expression or psychological reality as well as the habits of the market or product users. Therefore, entrepreneurs use algorithms as a tool to predict and read the thinking of the market. This is in line with human abilities in the cognitive realm, so it is closely associated with mindreading or the ability of humans to understand the thoughts and perspectives of others. This is considered to be able to make it easier for entrepreneurs to develop creativity in their products. The author hypothesizes that algorithms can be a human tool in expanding cognitive abilities through algorithms to increase creativity. The method used in this article is a literature review to answer philosophical questions, including: (1) The impact of mindreading on creativity, (2) Algorithms as prototypes of mindreading, (3) Mindreading capacity which is sometimes considered less qualified. Algorithms as a mindreading simulation process play an important role in helping humans sexually read minds better and increase creativity. The abundance of data allows us to carry out a more comprehensive and simultaneous mind-reading process. This synergy between human cognition and algorithmic support opens up new avenues for innovation and problem-solving, leading to more creative and successful endeavors in entrepreneurship, marketing, and beyond.</p>Rr. Yudiswara Ayu Permatasari, Nadia Elasalama
Copyright (c) 2023 ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700The Influence of Vietnam's Unique Social Culture on Business
<p>In the current context of international economic integration, it is necessary to recognize the role of the social culture in the society, especially in the context of business environment. This paper reviewed and discussed the influence of Vietnamese’s unique social culture on business. Analyze the practice and theory of Vietnam’s unique social culture in ancient and present social life, from which evaluations and suggestions - this is one of the main research objectives of this topic. By comprehending these cultural and historical backgrounds, it is possible to diminish perplexity and discord, while simultaneously laying the groundwork for a project that seems to be immensely significant for Vietnam.</p>Nguyen Viet Khoi, Le Thanh Huong
Copyright (c) 2023 ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700His Majesty the Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand The Innovative Inspiration for Entrepreneurship Around the World
<p>During his 70-year reign, His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand conducted numerous development projects to improve the livelihoods of his subjects. One such project was to convert peat swamp areas into productive agricultural land, minimizing environmental impact and the wetland ecosystem. In 1984, he solved the problem of soil acidification by using good water management and an irrigation system, which included simulating dry and rainy seasons, dykes, and lime in combination with soil flooding or mixed with topsoil. The Soil Improvement Project advanced with new findings gained through research, and His Majesty advised the team to use successful experiments as a guideline but remember failed ones to avoid repeating mistakes. The technique was applied in other provinces, such as Nakorn Nayok, which suffer from similar problems. The National Innovation Agency (NIA) wishes to honor His Majesty as the "Father of Thai Innovation" and seeks the "Klaeng Din Project" as a National Innovation Project. His Majesty's unique socio-culture position and his involvement in finding solutions have led to the impressive development of agri-preneurship in Thailand. He applied his knowledge in sciences to create and support over 4,000 Royal Development Projects, focusing on increasing efficiency and effectiveness of farming methods, modern techniques, and inventions like artificial rainmaking. These achievements have created a positive impact on local and global scale, earning His Majesty the recognition of "Thailand's Development King" by the United Nations and the international community.</p>Phauthiwong Uarmahacharoen
Copyright (c) 2023 ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700A Paper About the Influence of Philippines’ Unique Social Culture in Business
<p>The Philippines has a unique social culture that significantly impacts business practices. This culture is shaped by Spanish, American, and Japanese occupations, and has contributed to the development of strong family values, respect for elders, and a sense of community. Filipino families are close-knit and independent, with values such as family-centeredness, child-centricity, and large family size. Filipinos place a high value on the concept of "pakikisama" and seek solutions that benefit all parties. Respect for elders and hierarchy is deeply ingrained in Philippine culture, leading to a hierarchical business culture where authority and decision-making power are concentrated. Businesses can navigate this aspect of Philippine social culture by understanding the importance of hierarchy and respecting authority. The sense of community is another key aspect of Philippine social culture, with Filipinos having a strong sense of social responsibility and seeking consensus and cooperation over competition. Women in the Philippines make up 49.8% of the total 2022 population, with 90.3% being employed. Research on women entrepreneurs in the early 90s focused on competency, resiliency, empowerment, and support given to women entrepreneurs. However, there is still work to ensure equal opportunities in the workplace. Religion plays an important role in Philippine culture, with the majority of the population being Catholic. It plays a vital role in development initiatives that involve sustainability and holistic chance in the community and social environment. Businesses may prioritize ethical practices and values, such as honesty and integrity, in their operations. The growing youth population in the Philippines is becoming an important demographic for businesses, with the development of youth enterprise being a significant strategy for fostering economic participation among young people. Filipino Gen Z-ers have the most confidence in their tech savviness and are highly connected and digitally savvy, which can be leveraged by businesses to reach new customers and expand their market.</p>Arlene Martinez
Copyright (c) 2023 ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700