Psychological Factors and Reference Potential of Market Mavens

  • Jofi Puspa Justus-Liebig University
Keywords: attitude, knowledge, market maven, reference value, trust, word-of-mouth communication


The function of a market maven in the information transfer processes is apparently related to one’s psychological states such as inherent knowledge and involvement level. Understanding reference potential of mavens seems to be relevant to comprehend the implicit value of a maven in the communication process. This study shows that (1) apparently, maven groups can be clearly distinguished from a non-maven group on the basis on inherent personal knowledge level and involvement level; (2) market mavens have a high reference potential which confirmed their function in WOM-information.


How to Cite
Puspa, J. (2009). Psychological Factors and Reference Potential of Market Mavens. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 11(3), 393 - 408. Retrieved from