Daud Aris Tanudirjojanus.jurnalarkeologinusantara@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><span class="apple-converted-space"><strong>JANUS</strong></span> has been published by<span class="apple-converted-space"> the </span><a href="">Department of Archaeology</a>,<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="">Faculty of Cultural Sciences</a>,<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="">Universitas Gadjah Mada</a>, since 2023. Janus is taken from one of <span class="ILfuVd" lang="en"><span class="hgKElc">the ancient Roman</span></span> gods, who is <span class="ILfuVd" lang="en"><span class="hgKElc"><strong>the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings</strong>. He is usually depicted as having two faces.</span></span> Janus is an academic, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal. The journal focuses on advancing the study of archaeology, museology, and cultural resources management in Indonesia or those related to Indonesian archaeology. The articles in the Janus specifically discuss archaeological remains' values, views, and meanings that strengthen theories and improve the quality of criticism or methodological innovations in Indonesian archaeological investigations. Articles submitted cover archaeology and related fields of archaeology in Indonesia, presented in the context of Indonesian culture, focusing on developing critical scientific works.</p> <p><strong>JANUS</strong> is published bi-annually, whose all articles will be published in Indonesia Language and/or English. Submissions are open year-round. However, before submitting an article, please ensure that the article fits into<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="">Janus's focus and scope</a><span class="apple-converted-space"> </span>and follows our<span class="apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="">submission guidelines</a>. Please note that only research articles or book reviews are accepted.</p> Bersepeda sebagai Wisata Warisan Budaya yang Berkelanjutan di Yogyakarta2025-03-11T14:36:19+07:00Inas Amatullah El Wachidahinaselwachidah@gmail.comTjahjono<p><em>Over the past five years, cycling tourism has seen significant development as part of sustainable tourism, including in Yogyakarta. Its popularity has also expanded into the heritage-based tourism sector, with the utilization of Cultural Heritage Areas as one of the attractions for cycling tourism. This paper aims to address how how cycling tourism in heritage areas can be carried out sustainably. Data collection methods included observation, literature review, and interviews. Observations of cycling tourism practices were conducted through a case study approach. The frameworks of Heritage Tourism Sustainability and Transformative Experience Tourism were used to analyze and interpret the data collected and the presented case study. The conclusions indicate that cycling tourism in heritage areas, which is gaining popularity in Yogyakarta, can be optimized as a heritage tourism product capable of maintaining sustainability, both for cultural heritage sites and for the communities living around them, by adhering to key principles derived from this study as well as considering challenges that may arise in its development.</em></p> <p><em>===</em></p> <p>Dalam lima tahun terakhir, wisata bersepeda telah mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan sebagai bagian dari pariwisata berkelanjutan, termasuk di Yogyakarta. Popularitas wisata bersepeda juga meluas ke sektor pariwisata berbasis warisan budaya, dengan pemanfaatan Kawasan Cagar Budaya sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata bersepeda. Tulisan ini berupaya menjawab bagaimana wisata sepada di kawasan cagar budaya dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan (<em>sustainable</em>). Metode pengumpulan data dilaksankan melalui observasi, studi pustaka dan wawancara. Pengamatan praktik wisata bersepeda diperoleh melalui studi kasus. Pendekatan <em>Heritage Tourism Sustainability </em>dan <em>Transformative Experience Tourism</em> digunakan untuk menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan data yang diperoleh dan terhadap studi kasus yang disajikan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan menyatakan bahwa wisata bersepeda di kawasan cagar budaya yang semakin populer di Yogyakarta dapat dioptimalkan menjadi produk wisata warisan budaya yang mampu menjaga keberlanjutan, baik dari sisi objek cagar budaya maupun masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitarnya, dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa prinsip kunci hasil dari kajian ini serta tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi dalam proses pengembangannya.</p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JANUS Penyandang Disabilitas di Halaman Candi Borobudur2025-03-11T14:36:22+07:00Jati<p><em>Borobudur Temple Compound is one of the Super Priority Tourism Destinations with a target of 2,000,000 foreign tourist and 5,000,000 domestic tourists per year. One group of targeted tourist are people with physical disabilities who need attention when visiting temples. Facilities in zone 1 of Borobudur Temple for Persons with Physical Disabilities are available but are still limited. This article discusses the gap in facilities for tourists with physical disabilities as a basis for improving facilities at Borobudur Temple. Increasing facilities for Persons with Physical Disabilities, apart from making Borobudur Temple tourism inclusive, is also a fulfillment of visitors' rights which will also have a positive impact on Borobudur Temple, both as a World Cultural Heritage and as a Super Priority Tourism Destination.</em></p> <p><em>===</em></p> <p>Kompleks Candi Borobudur menjadi salah satu Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas dengan target kunjungan wisata mancanegara sebanyak 2.000.000 orang dan wisatawan domestik 5.000.000 orang pertahun. Salah satu kelompok target pengunjung wisata adalah Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik yang memerlukan perhatian saat berkunjung ke candi. Fasilitas di halaman zona 1 Candi Borobudur bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik sudah tersedia namun masih terbatas. Tulisan ini membahas kesenjangan fasilitas bagi wisatawan Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik sebagai dasar peningkatan fasilitas di Candi Borobudur. Peningkatan fasilitas bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Fisik selain untuk menjadikan wisata Candi Borobudur bersifat inklusif, juga merupakan pemenuhan hak-hak pengunjung yang juga akan memberikan dampak positif bagi Candi Borobudur, baik sebagai Warisan Budaya Dunia maupun sebagai Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas.</p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JANUS Sebagai Pasĕk-Pasĕk dalam Upacara Penetapan Sῑma Masa Mpu Siṇḍok: Korelasi Jenis Kain dan Kedudukan Penerimanya2025-03-11T14:36:08+07:00Siti Nur<p><em>The type and quantity item as pasĕk-pasĕk received in the sīma establishing ceremony is different each receiver. This diversity is determined by the recipient’s position. Cloth and money are commonly used as pasĕk-pasĕk. A person’s social status can be known based on the type of cloth they wear. This research aims to mapping the distribution of cloth as pasĕk-pasĕk, reconstructing the correlation between individual position and the types of cloth received in the sīma ceremony, and reconstructing the ranking of cloth based the exclusivity of its ownership. The study uses inductive reasoning. The observation is focused on the type of wḍihan cloth mentioned in Mpu Siṇḍok’s inscription and position of the individual recipients. This study shows that each type of cloth has its own distribution scope related to the hierarchy of government official: central level, watak and wanua. Wḍihan gañjar haji and wḍihan bwat kliṅ are the type of cloth with the highest social value because they are only intended for Śrῑ Mahārāja.</em></p> <p>===</p> <p>Jenis serta jumlah barang sebagai <em>pasĕk-pasĕk</em> yang diterima dalam upacara <em>sīma</em> berbeda tiap penerimanya. Keberagaman tersebut ditentukan berdasarkan kedudukan penerima. Kain dan uang umum dijadikan sebagai <em>pasĕk-pasĕk.</em> Status sosial seseorang dapat diketahui berdasarkan jenis kain yang dipakainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan distribusi kain sebagai <em>pasĕk-pasĕk, </em>rekonstruksi korelasi jabatan individu dan jenis kain yang diterimanya dalam upacara <em>sīma, </em>serta membuat rekonstruksi pemeringkatan kain berdasarkan eksklusifitas kepemilikannya. Penelitian menggunakan penalaran induktif. Pengamatan difokuskan pada penyebutan jenis kain <em>wḍihan</em> dan jabatan dari individu penerimanya yang disebutkan dalam prasasti masa pemerintahan Mpu Siṇḍok. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa tiap-tiap jenis kain memiliki ruang lingkup distribusi tersendiri terkait dengan penjenjangan pejabat pemerintahan: tingkat pusat, <em>watak, </em>dan <em>wanua</em>. Kain jenis <em>wḍihan gañjar haji </em>dan <em>wḍihan bwat kliṅ</em> merupakan kain dengan nilai sosial tertinggi sebab hanya diperuntukan bagi <em>Śrῑ Mahārāja.</em></p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JANUS Dewa Surya dalam Bentuk Arca di Jawa2025-03-11T14:36:14+07:00Pratama Dharma<p><em>The depiction of the deities in sculptural form was an important aspect of Hindu-Buddha cultural development in the Nusantara from the fifth to the sixteenth centuries. Sculptures of the Surya deity are among the archaeological finds reflecting this cultural influence, especially in Java. This study explores the representation of the Surya deity through a literature review, observations, and descriptive-comparative analysis of seven sculptures found in the administrative regions of East Java, Central Java, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study uses iconographic approach, and the results show that sculptures of Surya deity are characterized by distinctive iconographic features, such as hands in varadahastamudra and/or holding lotus flowers, sitting cross-legged on a lotus pedestal, or standing/sitting on a chariot drawn by seven horses. These representations reflect symbolic concepts associated with fertility, health, and balance in the lives of past societies. This study highlights the iconographic features and symbolic role of Surya deity sculptures as an integral part of Java’s archaeological landscape.</em></p> <p><em>===</em></p> <p>Penggambaran tokoh dewata dalam bentuk arca merupakan bagian penting dari perkembangan kebudayaan Hindu-Buddha di Nusantara pada abad ke-5 hingga ke-16 Masehi. Arca Dewa Surya merupakan salah satu temuan arkeologis yang mencerminkan pengaruh kebudayaan tersebut, terutama di Jawa. Penelitian ini membahas representasi Dewa Surya berdasarkan studi pustaka, observasi, dan analisis deskriptif-komparatif terhadap tujuh arca yang ditemukan di wilayah administratif Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ikonografis dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa arca Dewa Surya digambarkan dengan ciri ikonografis khas, seperti tangan bersikap varadahastamudra dan/atau memegang bunga teratai, sikap duduk bersila di atas teratai, atau sikap berdiri/duduk di atas kereta yang ditarik oleh tujuh ekor kuda. Representasi ini mencerminkan konsep simbolis yang terkait dengan kesuburan, kesehatan, dan keseimbangan dalam kehidupan masyarakat masa lalu. Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang ciri ikonografis arca Dewa Surya dan peran simbolisnya di Jawa.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JANUS Pembacaan Lapik Arca Ganesa Berprasasti di Museum Penataran Blitar dengan Metode Fotogrametri2025-03-11T14:35:58+07:00Goenawan A<p><em>The square shaped-base of the Ganesa statue has an inscription that is thought to be a continuation of the Kinewu inscription found on the back stelae of the Ganesa statue. Both objects, the base and the Ganesa statue, are collections of the Museum Penataran Blitar. The Kinewu inscription has been read and translated, but part of the inscription on the square shaped-base of the statue has not been able to be read completely. Re-reading the Kinewu inscription including the inscription on the square-shaped base of the Ganesa statue was carried out using the photogrammetry method. The results of the photogrammetry are in the form of 3D modeling that allows better reading of inscriptions whose surfaces are relatively worn-out. This method shows that the square-shaped base of the statue has conformity with the Ganesa statue, thus they are considers as one object and need to be displayed altogether. </em></p> <p><em>===</em></p> <p>Lapik arca Ganesa memiliki prasasti yang diduga meripakan keberlanjutan dari prasasti Kinewu yang terdapat di bagian belakang sandaran (<em>stelae</em>) arca Ganesa. Kedua objek tersebut baik lapik arca maupun arca Ganesa merupakan koleksi Museum Penataran Blitar. Prasasti Kinewu telah dibaca dan diterjemahkan isinya, namun bagian dari prasasti pada lapik arca belum dapat dibaca secara lengkap. Pembacaan ulang prasasti Kinewu termasuk juga prasasti pada lapik arca Ganesa dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode fotogrametri. Hasil dari metode fotogrametri berupa pemodelan 3D yang memungkinkan pembacaan lebih baik terhadap prasasti yang permukaannya relatif aus. Metode ini menunjukkan bahwa lapik arca tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan dengan arca Ganesa, sehingga perlu ditampilkan dalam satu displai yang utuh. </p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 JANUS