Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga 2023-12-18T10:14:02+07:00 Widya Nayati Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga (JWK) diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Wanita Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan <a href=";1584670714&amp;1&amp;&amp;2020">E-ISSN: 2746-430X</a> sebagai sarana publikasi para akedemisi dan peneliti dari dalam dan luar negeri yang berfokus pada pemberdayaan perempuan dan pemberdayaan keluarga. Pemberdayaan perempuan ditekankan pada aspek multidisiplin ilmu dalam perspektif gender, sedangkan pemberdayaan keluarga difokuskan pada issu perlindungan dan tumbuh kembang anak sebagai penerus generasi mendatang. Jurnal dikelola dengan <em>Open Journal Systems (OJS) </em>dan terbuka bagi khalayak umum.</p> Kepuasan Remaja Terhadap Fungsi Keluarga Menurut Status Wilayah di Kabupaten Gunungkidul 2023-12-15T08:36:34+07:00 Wiwik Puji Mulyani Ari Yulianto <p><em>The phenomenon of early marriage in Gunungkidul Regency is adolescent problem which influenced by family functions. This research aims to analyze the implementation of family functions and the difference of high school adolescent’s satisfaction on family functions by the regional status. This research is a quantitative with survey methods. The sample of this research uses a quota sampling technique. Data acquisition through structured interviews. The results showed that the majority of respondents evaluated family function still below from their expectations, and there were no significant differences for satisfaction value by the regional status (Asymp. Sig 2-tailed = 0.310). Protection and economic functions have been optimal for rural families, meanwhile religion, protection, and socio-culture functions for urban families. Infrastructure development, technology capability, and good mobility have been the factors for family functions in rural and urban area inclined same.</em></p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga Home Zone Home Range: Resiliensi Lingkungan Aman Nyaman untuk Keluarga 2023-12-15T08:36:26+07:00 Indarto Indarto Ahmad Fajar Ariyanto Nur Rahmat Ardi Candra Dwi Atmaja <p><em>The title of this Artistic Research is Home Zone Home Range: Resilient Safe and Comfortable Environment for Families During the Pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the concept of home zone and home range in simple residential interiors, especially the arrangement of furniture layouts related to social distancing and circulation. The data collection method is in the form of deepening related literature and field documentation of related objects as well as interviews with related resource persons. Data analysis refers to an interactive analysis model combined with a pre-design alternative model which includes three components, namely: data reduction, data display (displaydata) and data validation (verification). The results of the study indicate that a good residential design must start from a well-planned surrounding environment and well-planned interior design, including meeting health and safety standards as a Healthy Home that fulfills physiological and psychological functions. The results of this study are expected to be an evaluation material for relevant stakeholders in the fulfillment of development facilities in the future.</em></p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga Representasi Konsep Kyouiku Mama dan Pola Asuh Orang Tua pada Tokoh Akari Kudo dalam Film Biri Gyaru 2023-12-15T08:36:31+07:00 Isnaen Nur Layla Safitri Yusida Lusiana Anggita Stovia <p class="Abstrak2"><em><span lang="EN-US">This study was conducted to find out the concept of kyouiku mama and parenting style represented by the character Akari Kudo in the film Biri Gyaru. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with a semiotic approach by John Fiske which consists of three levels of analysis is the level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology. This research shows that there is the concept of kyouiku mama which is represented by the character Akari which is illustrated through the appearance and costume codes, expression codes, behavior codes, and environment codes. Meanwhile, at the representation level, it is shown through aspects of the camera code, setting code, and dialogue code. At the ideological level, there is an ideology of feminism and patriarchy in this film. The results of this study indicate the existence of a feminist ideology shown by the character Akari Kudo (mother) through her involvement in every process of children's education, both formal and informal education, as well as through her role in always fighting for her daughter's education. There is also a patriarchal ideology depicted in the character Toru Kudo (father) who always prioritizes his sons' education and ignores his daughters' education. In addition, the parenting style analysis found that there was a authoritative parenting style applied by Akari Kudo (mother) and an authoritarian parenting style by Toru Kudo (father) for their children.</span></em></p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga Kerajinan Memayet Perempuan Dayak Pampang sebagai Bentuk Penguatan Budaya terhadap Ekonomi Keluarga 2023-12-15T08:36:39+07:00 Nabillah Kurniati Syaiful Arif <p>This study aims to convey that Pampang Dayak traditional women with carving crafts have cultural awareness. Women who are often misunderstood can only have power in domestic affairs. In fact, women or like men have the same freedom of choice and responsibility. Customary regulations are often seen as a form of shackles to women&amp;#39;s self-freedom. However, when the customary system has elements of gender justice in the division of tasks between men and women, a powerful customary social order will be formed. The method used by the author is ethnography, through an empirical approach by interviewing Dayak bead craftsmen. The results of the study show that the creativity and productivity of Pampang Dayak women have succeeded in empowering and strengthening the economy for their families. The great opportunity for economic turnover through the cultural tourism sector is well read by Pampang Dayak women, both in making crafts and traditional banquets. The movement of the family economy and traditional tourism festivals will have a rotational impact on the culture of the Pampang Dayak Village to further develop</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga Sinergitas Sekolah Dan Keluarga: Optimalisasi Pembinaan Akhlak Mulia Siswa SMA 2023-12-15T08:36:43+07:00 Nurhaliza Rizki Avrilla Azhar Ghaida Kurniawan Berliani Ninta Tribrata Raissa Vera Ivanna Sylvi Nur Aisyah Muhamad Parhan <p>Islamic religious education is important for every Muslim individual to be a guide to life, starting from the family environment and then continuing to the school environment to be an important factor that needs attention. However, during this era of globalization, differences in morality, opinions, and abilities arise. Therefore, the scope of the school or family requires an innovative teaching system that is suitable for this era. By using mixed methods research through reading materials and questionnaires that have been distributed, the result obtained is that the majority of students feel that they have received a fairly good religious education, but some have not for several reasons. Teachers or parents must adjust and know the latest news in the digital era, besides that teachers or parents are prohibited from 'locking' students in an isolated environment away from digital media. Optimizing noble morals in students is influenced by two factors, namely internal factors desired by the students themselves and external factors desired by the family, school, or community. The importance of the contribution between children, schools, and families is the main factor so that every child is not affected by the negative globalization that is rampant today.</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga Peran Siswa Perempuan dalam Pembelajaran Ensambel Musik 2023-12-18T10:14:02+07:00 Nicholas Ferdeta Lakusa Widya Nayati <p>Music ensembles are one of the methods most often used in music education in schools. This research aims to determine the role of female students in ensemble groups from two aspects, namely affective and psychomotor. These group activities are essential for the development of the spirit of togetherness, perseverance and cooperation—activities that are very important for student development. Understanding the group of female students and male students in ensemble activities really needs to be done by trainers / teachers because the self-development of girls and boys will be different, so when they are gathered to work together, special handling is needed to produce cohesion in work. Data was collected by observing the implementation of ensemble learning. The subjects of this research were 32 students in class VII-D of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. The results of the research show that there are differences in the interaction process<br>in practice and the results of music playing between groups that have female members and those that do not. The presence of female students makes the practice process more dynamic, giving rise to creativity when playing a song. The results of this study can be used as evaluation material for an educator in<br>planning a more meaningful ensemble learning.</p> 2023-12-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Wanita dan Keluarga