Sulfuric Acid Resistance of Geopolymer Mortars from Co-combustion Residuals of Bamboo and Kaolin

Aprilina Purbasari(1*), Tjokorde Walmiki Samadhi(2), Yazid Bindar(3)
(1) Chemical Engineering Program, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia ; Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Kampus Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
(2) Chemical Engineering Program, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(3) Chemical Engineering Program, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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