Kinetics of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Biodegradation Using Biofilm Grown on Biphenyl

Josephine Borja(1*), Joseph Auresenia(2), Susan M. Gallardo(3)
(1) AsianRegional Research Programme on Environmenta17echnology (ARRPET) National Research Institute on Industrial and Hazardous Wastes DeLa Salle University-Manila, 2401 TaltAve., Manila 1007PHILIPPINES
(2) AsianRegional Research Programme on Environmenta17echnology (ARRPET) National Research Institute on Industrial and Hazardous Wastes DeLa Salle University-Manila, 2401 TaltAve., Manila 1007PHILIPPINES
(3) AsianRegional Research Programme on Environmenta17echnology (ARRPET) National Research Institute on Industrial and Hazardous Wastes DeLa Salle University-Manila, 2401 TaltAve., Manila 1007PHILIPPINES
(*) Corresponding Author
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