INKORPORASI TITANIA PADA MATRIKS SILIKA DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP AKTIVITAS FOTOKATALITIK TITANIA PADA DEGRADASI METIL ORANYE (Incorporation of Titania into Silica Matrix and Its Effect Toward the Photocatalytic Activity of Titania on the Degradation)

Eko Sri Kunarti(1*), Endang Tri Wahyuni(2), Indi Annisa Hapsari(3)
(1) Jurusan Kimia FMIPA-UGM Yogyakarta
(2) Jurusan Kimia FMIPA-UGM Yogyakarta
(3) Jurusan Kimia FMIPA-UGM Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Telah dilakukan preparasi dan karakterisasi nanokristal titania terinkorporasi silika (nanokomposit titania-silika) disertai dengan pengujian aktivitas fotokatalitiknya untuk degradasi metil oranye. Preparasi dilakukan melalui proses sol-gel pada suhu kamar diikuti dengan perlakuan termal pada temperatur 500 o C. Pengaruh penambahan silika terhadap karakter nanokomposit yang terbentuk telah dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Karakterisasi dilakukan dengan metode difraksi sinar-X, spektrometri inframerah, spektrometri fluoresensi sinar-X serta spektrometri uv-vis difusi reflaktansi. Proses degradasi dilakukan dengan sistem batch di dalam reaktor tertutup yang dilengkapi dengan lampu UV 40 watt. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan matriks silika menyebabkan pembentukan ikatan cross-linking Si-O-Ti dan oxygen vacancies dalam titania. Inkorporasi titania pada matriks silika dapat meningkatkan stabilitas dan energi celah pita serta sifat fotokatalisis titania bebas.
Preparation and characterisation of nanocrystalline silica-incorporated titania (titania-silica nanocomposite) have been carried out followed by its photocatalytic activity test for degradation of methyl orange. The preparation was conducted via sol-gel processing followed by thermal treatment at a temperature of 500oC. Effect of the silica addition on the nanocomposite’s character were studied. Characterization was performed by x-ray diffraction method, infrared spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, and diffuse reflectance UV-visible spectrometry. The photoactivity test of nanocomposites was carried out in a closed reactor equipped with UV light. Results showed that the addition of silica promotes the formation of Si-O-Ti cross-linking bonds and oxygen vacancies in titania. Incorporation of titania into silica matrix enhanced the stability , increased the band gap energy and increased the photocatalytic activity of free titania
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