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POTENSI PENGEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI ROOF GARDEN DI KAWASAN MAMPANG PRAPATAN DAN SEKITARNYA, JAKARTA SELATAN (Development Potential of Roof Garden Technology in Mampang Prapatan Area and Surroundings, South Jakarta)

Sitti Sarifa Kartika Kinasih(1*), Luthfi Muta’ali(2)

(1) Prodi Ilmu Lingkungan Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM
(2) Prodi Ilmu Lingkungan Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM
(*) Corresponding Author



Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi kotaJakartayang memiliki beragam masalah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan fakta rinci manfaat ekologis, ekonomis, estetika, dan sosial yang dapat diraih oleh kawasan Jalan Mampang Prapatan dengan penerapan roof garden secara meluas; mengkaji persepsi stakeholder mengenai roof garden di kawasan Mampang Prapatan dan sekitarnya; serta memperoleh fakta peluang dan tantangan dalam penerapannya di Mampang Prapatan dan sekitarnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni analisis proyeksi manfaat dari citra Quick Bird kawasan Mampang Prapatan tahun 2010, analisis deskriptif induktif kondisi saat ini dan persepsi stakeholder terhadap penerapan roof garden, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis proyeksi manfaat dari blok terdelineasi daerah penelitian dengan luasan lahan 416.380 m2 dapat diperoleh manfaat secara ekologis (menghemat 25% energi yang biasa terpakai, dapat mereduksi 8.956 kg hingga 89.563 kg kotoran udara, dapat menjadi habitat untuk 597.088 tumbuhan, dan dapat meresapkan air hujan sebanyak 5.105.102 liter per tahun); secara ekonomis akan dapat menghasilkan 1.378 kg nasi mochi; secara estetis mengurangi kebisingan sekitar 10 dB hingga 40 dB serta dapat menyediakan 203 area estetis kota; secara sosial dapat memberikan tambahan 203 area komunitas pada blok kawasan terdelineasi Jalan Mampang Prapatan. Zona paling berpotensi memberikan manfaat adalah zona B yaitu zona perdagangan dan jasa (mengubah RTH existing 10,84% menjadi 28,15%) dan terdapat 8 struktur di zona B yang telah menggunakan teknologi roof garden. Persepsi stakeholder dianalisis dari 5 konsep  telah terbukti sangat positif dan mendukung. Peluang penerapan roof garden di Mampang Prapatan dan sekitarnya jauh lebih besar daripada tantangan yang ada, bahkan solusi untuk tantangan tersebut diberikan oleh informan.



This research is stimulated by the condition of Jakarta city, which has complex environmental issues. This study aims to get the facts how large the potency on ecological, economic, aesthetic, and social benefits that can be achieved by the Mampang Prapatan area with the widespread application of the roof garden; investigate the perceptions of stakeholders in Mampang Prapatan area and its surrounding about roof garden; as well as to ascertain the facts about the opportunities and challenges in its implementation. The research method was carried out by using the benefits projection analysis of Quick Bird 2010 imagery in Mampang Prapatan area, then conducting inductive descriptive analysis of existing condition and stakeholders perception toward the implementation of a roof garden, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the benefits obtained according to benefits projection analysis of this research area delineated block with 416,380 m2 of land area can give benefits i.e: ecologically (be able to made reduction of energy consumption that is 50.75 times than the usual used by; made reduction of approximately 8,956 kg to 89,563 kg of impurities air; being habitat of 597,088 plants; and absorb rainwater as many as 5,105,102 liters per year); economically (can produce 1,378 kg of mochi rice); aesthetically can reduce the noise about 10 dB and 40 dB and also will be able to provide 203 aesthetically pleasing areas; socially it will be add 203 community areas on the delineated block Mampang Prapatan road. The zone which the most potential to give benefits is zone B trade and service (could change existing green open space from 10.84% into 28.15%) and there are 8 structure in zone B that have used roof garden technology. Stakeholders perception analized by 5 concepts has been proved very positive and supporting. Chances for applying roof garden technology in Mampang Prapatan and its surrounding area is much larger than the existing challenges, and solutions to these challenges has been given by informants.


potensi pengembangan; roof garden; citra Quick Bird; proyeksi manfaat; persepsi; development potential; roof garden; Quick Bird imagery; benefits projection; perception


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