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PEMANFAATAN HUTAN DAN LINGKUNGAN OLEH MASYARAKAT BADUY DI BANTEN SELATAN (The Uses of Forest and the Environment by Baduy Community in South Banten, Indonesia)

Gunggung Senoaji(1*)

(1) Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu
(*) Corresponding Author



Hutan adalah sumberdaya alam yang harus dimanfaatkan secara arif untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Telah banyak terjadi dampak negatif pengelolaan hutan yang tidak ramah lingkungan termasuk banjir, longsor dan kekeringan. Salah satu bentuk pengelolaan hutan yang ramah lingkungan telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Baduy, melalui berbagai bentuk kearifan lokal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang mengkaji sistim pengelolaan hutan yang ramah lingkungan oleh masyarakat Baduy. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Baduy masih menerapkan autran-aturan dan norma-norma tradisional dalam perhubungan sosial dan dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya hutan. Sistim sosial masyarakat Baduy dapat mengontrol eksploitasi hutan yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Pada saat yang sama masyarakat Baduy mempunyai tingkat pendapatan  di atas garis kemiskinan.



Forest environment is a biological nature resource that has to be wisely used and utilized for people’s welfare and prosperity. However, current conditions show that the function of forest as an ecosystem equalizer has degraded. An effort to recover forest function has to be done immediately. One type of forest environment management that concerns the forest conservation is like what have Baduy Community been done. The environment is managed by traditional rules obeyed by community. The basic method of this research is descriptive, supported by quantitative and quantitative approach. Data about objects or any particular conditions or any human group area were described systematically. Data collection was done by participation-observation and open in-depth interview. The result shows that in using forest and its environment, Baduy community makes natural balancing that provides many benefits including peacefulness, welfare and prosperity for people’s life. The life pattern of Baduy community is determined by traditional rules and norms pr standard that have important roles in the social relationships. These norm and tradition rules form the relationship among people, between people and the environment, between people and God, so it for as a local wisdom of the community that glorify social value, and of course, the environment.


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