DAMPAK LIMBAH CAIR HASIL PENGOLAHAN EMAS TERHADAP KUALITAS AIR SUNGAI DAN CARA MENGURANGI DAMPAK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN ZEOLIT (The Impact of Liquid Waste of Gold Processing in the River Water Quality and The Method for Minimizing the Impact by Using Zeolite)

Candra Agus(1*), Sukandarrumidi Sukandarrumidi(2), Djoko Wintolo(3)
(1) Program Studi Teknik Geologi (Magister Geologi Pertambangan) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Kegiatan penambangan emas oleh masyarakat di desa Jendi telah dilakukan sejak 1993. Meskipun telah menyediakan lapangan kerja untuk masyarakat lokal, kegiatan tersebut menurunkan kualitas lingkungan, khususnya sungai, karena penggunaan merkuri. Dalam hal ini penggunaan merkuri dalam proses pengambilan emas murni dari batuan telah mempengaruhi air sungai sehingga memiliki kandungan 0,002-1 mg/l Hg;0,05 mg/l Pb; 0,4 mg/l Cu and 28,39 mg/l Fe. Berdasarkan peraturan -pemerintah No. 822001 tentang pengelolaan kualitas air dan air irigasi, konstituen metal tersebut telah melebihi baku mutu air. Penggunaan mineral zeolite sebagai adsorben pada proses penambangan emas tradisional menunjukkan bahwa zeolit dengan ukuran 80- 100 mesh dapat mengurangi kadar hg sehingga masuk ke dalam baku mutu air.
The gold mine activity of people in jendi village has been conducted since 1993. Even though this activity provide job for the local people. It will degrade the environmental quality especially river, because of Mercury use. The use of Mercury in the process to extract natural gold from concentrate of rock mill affects river water because it contains 0.002-1 mg/l Hg; 0,05 mg/l Pb; 0,4 mg/l Cu and 28,39 mg/l Fe. Based on the Government Regulation No. 82/2001 Concerning the Management of Water Quality and Irrigation water, those metal constituents have already been above the water standard quality. Using mineral zeolite as adsorbent on the traditional gold processing showed that zeolite with size 80-100 mesh could reduce the content of Hg, Pb, Cu, and Fe, which fall within the water standard quality.
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