Puteriragil Atma Pertiwi(1), Wahyu Widyaningsih(2*)
(1) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ahmad Dahlan
(2) Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ahmad Dahlan
(*) Corresponding Author
Damage of liver can be demonstrated by increased cellular enzyme activities. Aspartat aminotransaminase (AST) and Alanin aminotransferase (ALT) are two kinds of enzymes are the most commonly associated with liver damage. One cause of liver damage is free radicals like carbon tetrachloride. Green algae (Ulva lactuca L.) contains melatonin that is able to scavenging free radical. This study aims to determine the ability of ethanolic extract of green algae (Ulva lactuca L.) as a hepatoprotective to reduce levels of AST and ALT due to free radical compounds CCl4. This research uses 35 male rats Wistar were divided into 5 groups. Group I as normal controls only given food and drink , Group II is a solvent control each test animals were given an aqueous suspension of 1% CMC-Na, group III were each given ethanol extract of green algae (Ulva lactuca L.) at a dose of 100mg/kgBB orally, group III were each given ethanol extract of green algae (Ulva lactuca L.) at a dose of 200mg/kgBB, and group IV as comparison control were each given tablet Curcuma at a dose of 200mg/kgBB. All groups were treated for 21 days orally. On day 22 were given injections of CCl4 1.0mL/ kg intraperitoneally except Group I. The rats blood was taken and analyzed through eye orbitalis sinus AST and ALT activities. The results were statistically analyzed using One Way ANOVA test followed by LSD test with level of 95%.From the study it can be concluded that ethanolic extract of green algae (Ulva lactuca L.) has hepatoprotective effect of being able to reduce activities of SGOT and SGPT in CCl4-induced white male rats.
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Faculty of Pharmacy
Universitas Gadjah Mada