Prototipe Sistem Pakar Penentu Jenis Gangguan Psikologi Klinis Menggunakan Forward Chaining dan Formula Bayes

Wawan Nurmansyah(1*), Sri Hartati(2)

(1) Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komputer, FMIPA, UGM
(2) Staf pengajar Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Komputer, FMIPA, UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


Psychological disorders can be experienced by anyone. Amount of people consultations with psychologists still minimal, it is caused by several factors.The first factor is from the point of view of society, where the man came to a psychologist is a disgrace and is still considered unusual because of counseling with a psychologist means synonymous with crazy illnesses or severe stress that can humiliating the dignity of the family, next is still a little professional psychologists.Psychologists in the process of concluding consultations to clients having difficulty because most of the clients are not forthright about what he experienced and the other thing is the client is not aware of having experienced symptoms - symptoms of the disorder such clinical psychology. Expert system architecture which has a concept adapted by psychologists in making the diagnosis, the presence of disorder diagnoses the condition should have more than two symptoms of the disorder which used diagnosis. The process of the expert system to infer the types of psychological disorders experienced by the client begins looking for the symptoms first owned by the client, this is in accordance with the mechanism of the forward chaining and the current uncertainty in handling concludes the counseling because the rules are not met to do with the data counseling clients using bayes formula to get the value of early diagnosis possible so users still get the diagnosis of psychological disorders in clinical psychology expert system.


Expert System, Forward Chaining, Bayes.

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