Peran Perpustakaan Umum Kota Depok pada era teknologi digital
Margareta Aulia Rachman(1*), Yeni Budi Rachman(2)
(1) Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia
(2) Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction. The purpose of this study is to identify the roles of digital technology in the Depok City Public Library. The main challenge of the digital community is the increasing digital divide and the weakening of the identity of local communities which can result in low social participation and involvement in community issues. This study focuses on the characteristics of the people of Depok City to assess the role of public libraries that have the potential to be public spaces and places for social and physical meetings in the digital era.
Data Collection Methods. This was a qualitative research with interviews involving librarians, library directors and users.
Data Analysis. The data was analyzed by involving the process of data reduction, interpretation, and conclusion. The research setting at the chosen was the Depok City Public Library, close to the Capital of Indonesia.
Results and Discussion. The results showed that Depok City public library of has several roles in the field of education, information, culture and recreation. These roles can be increased by involving technology as a means of library promotion.
Conclusion and recommendations. The space and infrastructure in the library can be used optimally for various activities in order to enhance the role of the library as a public space and places for social and physical meetings in the digital era.
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