Evaluasi Promosi Kesehatan Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk Melalui Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pemulihan di Kabupaten Gianyar

Luh Putu Musnitarini, Ira Paramastri, Atik Triratnawati(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: Malnutrition until this time is a great problem in Indonesia although the government has tried to control it. The Susenas data showed that the number of malnutrition in 1992 was 7,2% and then improved up to 8,8% in 2005. The effort of health promotion that has been conducted was Recovery Supplement Food (PMT-P).
Objective: This research was aimed to evaluate the implementation of promotion of giving the PMT-P in the effortof malnutrition case control in Gianyar district.
Method: This was a qualitative research that involved informants of health care provider (nutrition section, TPG of Primary Health Care and village midwife) and supported by informants of mother who have children under five years old who suffered from malnutrition. This research was conducted in Gianyar district and the data was collected with indepth interview and observation while data validity was conducted with source and method triangulation. Data analysis was conducted with fixed comparison method.
Result and Discussion: Informant of health care provider had good understanding on the promotion of PMT-P. The benefit of PMT-P promotion could increase the weigh and yet has not achieved normal rate as well as could help community. The negative side is the community will be dependent on the given promotion. The given counseling was not suitable with the standard that was without media, informant felt a heavy duties and expected that there will be an additional manpower from regional government. The proposal for program improvement was increasing the budget to fulfill the nutrition need in the quantity and quality.
Conclusion: Understanding toward promotion of PMT-P in controlling bad nutrition was quite good, PMT-P was implemented during 90 days such as with food package, milk powder, biscuit and green bean. Counseling was not intensive and without using media/equipment such as flip chart and food model. The given PMT-P that was given for malnutrition case not only consumed by the target but also by other family member. The promotion PMT-P should be continued with the improvement on quality and quantity in order to fulfill the nutrition need of children under five years old in achieving normal body weigh.
Keywords: promotion evaluation, PMT-P, malnutrition
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Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat ISSN 0215-1936 (PRINT), ISSN: 2614-8412 (ONLINE).