Young-Hee Kang Keimyung Univerity Korea, Republic of
KANG, Young-Hee, is an Assistant Professor, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. She earned her Ph.D. (2012) in Industrial Relations and Human Resources, from Michigan State University, USA; and MBA (2005) from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. She has published articles at Journal of Applied Business Research, Social Sciences, Gender and Culture, Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, SpringerPlus, The Korean Journal of Hispanic Studies, Korean Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, Korean Academy of Management, and International Labour Review. Author contact detail: Keimyung University, #412 College of Business Administration 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Daegu 42601, Republic of Korea; phone: +82-053-580-6378; e-mail:
Kyunga Na * Corresponding Author Keimyung Univerity Korea, Republic of
NA, Kyunga, is an Assistant Professor, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. She earned her Ph.D. (2013) in Accounting, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; her MBA (2004), Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; and her MSc (1999) in Finance, ISMA, University of Reading, United Kingdom. Her researches interset are Earnings Management, Stock Market Response, Auditor Changes, Financial Statement, Comparability, Tax avoidance. She has articles published at Social Sciences, The Journal ofApplied Business Research, Journal of Taxation and Accounting, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Tax and Accounting Research, Accounting Journal, Business Management Review, Korean Management Review, Korea International Accounting Review, and Business Management Review. Author contact detail: 327, Euiyang Building, Accounting Department, School of Business, Seongseo Campus, Keimyung University, Dalgubeol Daero 1095, Dalseo-Ku, Daegu, 42601, Republic of Korea; phone: (010) 3339-3463; e-mail:
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