Tulus T. H. Tambunan * Corresponding Author Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies, University of Trisakti Indonesia
Tambunan, Tulus, is professor in the faculty of economics, Trisakti University. Currently he is also the director of the Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies in the same university. Development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and its related issues, especially in developing countries, is among his areas of specialization. He has written a number of books about SMEs, including Trade Liberalization and SMEs in ASEAN (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2010) and SME in Asian Developing Countries (London: Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, 2009). Author’s contact details: Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies, Trisakti University, Build. S, Fl.22, Campus A, Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1 Grogol Jakarta 11440, Indonesia; phone: 62-21-5863232, ext. 8312, Fax: 62-21-7375365; e-mail: sjahrir@rad.net.id.
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