Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani * Corresponding Author University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Malaysia
Richarson, H. 1972. Input-output and Regional Economics. New York: John Wiley &Sons.Rohana, K., A. R. Zakariah, and J. Kamaruzaman. 2008. An input-output analysis ofsources of growth and key sectors. Modern Applied Science 2 (3): 94-109.Ruiz, A. L. and E. N. Wolff. 1996. Productivity Growth, import leakage and employmentgrowth in Puerto Rico, 1967-87. Economic Systems Research 8 (4): 391-413.Zakariah, A. R., and E. E. Ahmad. 1999. Source of industrial growth in the Malaysianmanufacturing sector: A factor decomposition approach. The Developing Economies37 (2): 162-196
Malcolm Tull Murdoch Business School, Australia Australia
TULL, Malcolm is presently the Dean of the Murdoch Business School. Heholds a BSc in Economics from the University of Hull, UK and a Ph.D. fromMurdoch University, Australia. He has a strong international record ofpublications in the disciplines of maritime economics and economichistory. He was joint editor of the prestigious International Journal ofMaritime History from 2000-2008, the author of A Community Enterprise:the History of the Port of Fremantle, 1897 to 1997 (1997), a Senior Editorfor the Oxford Encyclopaedia of Maritime History (2007), and co-editor ofPort Privatisation: the Asia-Pacific Experience (2008). Professor MalcolmTull was elected Vice-President of the International Maritime EconomicHistory Association in 2008 and was awarded Life Membership of theAustralian Association for Maritime History in December 2009. He iscurrently President of the Economic Society of Australia Inc., WesternAustralian Branch.
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