TAHIRA IRAM * Corresponding Author Superior University Lahore, Pakistan Pakistan
her research areas of interest are Women Entrepreneurship, Behavioral finance, social sciences, and women intrapreneurs. She has published research work in refereed journals such as; cogent social sciences (Taylor and Francis), Revista de Gestao, IIM Kozhikode Society & management review, Business Perspective and Research, Frontier in Psychology, and others.
his research areas of interest are Entrepreneurship, Behavioral finance, SMEs, and Hybrid business. He has published seminal research in refereed journals such as the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, European Business Review, Career Development International, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Business Process Management Journal, Journal of Career Development, Global Business Review and others.
Author’s contact detail: Lahore Business School, The University of Lahore Paki- stan
Zeshan Ahmad university of Malaya
his research areas of interest are Entrepreneurship, Family Business, and Personality Traits. He has published research in refereed journals such as; the Journal of family business management, Revista de Gestao, IIM Kozhikode Society & management review, Business Perspective and Research, Frontier in Psychology, and others.
Author’s contact detail: A-8-7 Saville@ the Park, Bangsar South, 59200. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia; Phone number: +60198087500
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Master in Management | Faculty of Economics Business | Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Teknika Utara No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia | Phone: +62 274 511036 | Fax: +62 274 511035