The Effect of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Individual Attributes on Entrepreneurial Activity in the context of ASEAN Member States: Evidence from Thailand and Vietnam
This study analyzes the influence of entrepreneurial attitudes and individual attributes on entrepreneurial activity in two ASEAN member countries: Vietnam and Thailand. By applying the multinomial logistics regression (MLR) analysis method, the results show that those with an entrepreneurial network, who can read business opportunities, and have skills and knowledge, have a positive and significant influence when deciding to start and invest in others’ new businesses. On the other hand, females and those with a secondary education were more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The study also shows that Vietnam’s entrepreneurial attitudes and individual characteristics seem to be better, differentiating it from Thailand. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data from 2017 were the most recent data available at the time of this study. However, the availability of more up-to-date data is considered necessary to enrich and expand the impact of future research.
DOI: 10.22146/gamaijb.73025
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