DSS for "E-Private" Using a Combination of AHP and SAW Methods


Ni Komang Yanti Suartini(1*), I Made Agus Wirawan(2), Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana(3)

(1) Informatics Education Study Program, Informatics Department, FTK, Undiksha, Singaraja, Bali
(2) Informatics Education Study Program, Informatics Department, FTK, Undiksha, Singaraja, Bali
(3) Informatics Education Study Program, Informatics Department, FTK, Undiksha, Singaraja, Bali
(*) Corresponding Author


Private tutoring was non-formal education and it was needed to help student in learning.There were already tutoring system developed where the selection of private tutors was done by filtering peocess. However, filtering process was not suitable with needs and desires of students.Besides the filtering process, to support the solution in making decisions on the selection of private tutors on the E-Privat system it also used the Decision Suport System (DSS) concept, namely a combination of AHP and SAW methods. AHP method was used to find the weights in each criterion, and the ranking calculation with the SAW method.E-Privat aimed to help parents / students in choosing private tutors that suit the needs and desires of students by involving multi-criteria and various alternative. This system was also developed to help private tutors to get the opportunity to fill out private lessons.  The testing process results showed that the system had been successful and suitable for used. There were 5 testing processes : (1)black box testing, (2)white box testing, (3)accuracy test which showed a percentage of 87%, and (4)user's response test whichused the SUS method showed a percentage 92.08% with best imaginable category.


Decision Support System; AHP and SAW Methods; E-Privat;Waterfall Model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijccs.46625

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