Unsupervised Text Style Transfer for Authorship Obfuscation in Bahasa Indonesia


Yunita Sari(1*), Fadhlan Pasyah Al Faridzi(2)

(1) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Bachelor Program of Computer Science, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Authorship attribution is an NLP task to identify the author of a text based on stylometric analysis. On the other hand, authorship obfuscation aims to protect against authorship attribution by modifying a text’s style. The main challenge in authorship obfuscation is how to keep the content of the text despite the text modification. In this research, we are applying text style transfer methods for modifying the writing style while preserving the content of the input text. We implemented two unsupervised text style transfer: dictionary-based and back translation methods to change the formality level of the text. Experiment results shows that the back-translation method outperformed the dictionary-based method. The authorship attribution performance decreased up to 16.15% and 23.66% on F1-score for 3 and 10 authors respectively using back-translation. While for dictionary-based method the F1-score dropped up to 1.99% and 11.56% for 3 and 10 authors respectively. Evaluation on sensibleness and soundness factors show that the back-translation method can preserve the semantic of the obfuscated texts. Moreover, the modified texts are well-formed and inconspicuous.  


authorship obfuscation; style transfer; formality

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijccs.79623

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