Deteksi Daging Sapi Menggunakan Electronic Nose Berbasis Bidirectional Associative Memory

Eviyan Fajar Anggara(1*), Triyogatama Wahyu Widodo(2), Danang Lelono(3)

(2) Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika, FMIPA UGM
(3) Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika, FMIPA UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


E-nose is an instrument used to detect odor. E-nose developed with Bidirectional Associative memory (BAM) algorithm has advantages in processing incomplete input data and noise. The purpose of the study was to implement the BAM algorithm to detect pure beef among samples of beef, pork, and mixed meat from aroma with  e-nose.

Data processing of the sample reading results begins by performing the baseline manipulation process, then do difference and integral feature extraction for the data. The characteristic extraction data will be converted into bipolar matrix patterns (1 and -1) so that the threshold data is needed to be able to determine the feature extraction data to be bipolar. Data that have become bipolar matrices will be used as test and reference data in the program with cross validation testing to obtain the percentage of truth of meat detection using BAM based e-nose.

Detection of meat with BAM using integral feature extraction with bipolar the first way yields a 14,8% success percentage and the second way bipolar yields a 15,7% success rate. The extraction of characteristic difference with bipolar the first way yields a success percentage of 17,3% and the second way bipolar yields a success rate of 16,4%.


electronic nose; beef; threshold; bipolar; Bidirectional Associative memory(BAM)

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