Characterizing River Baseflow Recession Using Linear Reservoir Model in Alang Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia

Bokiraiya Okky Latuamury(1*), Lydia Riekie Parera(2), Husein Marasabessy(3)

(1) Forestry Department of the Agriculture Faculty of Pattimura University, Ambon, Indonesia
(2) Forestry Department of the Agriculture Faculty of Pattimura University, Ambon, Indonesia
(3) Forestry Department of the Agriculture Faculty of Pattimura University, Ambon, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Alang is a sub-watershed emptying into the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir in Wonogiri, Central Java Indonesia, with an area of 51.01 km2 and lithology composed of Baturetno Formation and Wonosari Formation. Baseflow is a major component of river flow during the dry season. Hence, the characterization of its recession becomes necessary, and it can be performed with innovation in baseflow hydrological modeling, that is, the recession curve. This study was designed to describe the distinctive features of baseflow recession using a linear reservoir model, which is depicted in individual and master recession curves. The baseflow recession in AlangSubwatershed was represented by a combination of varying initial recession discharge (Q0), α, and recession constants (Krb). The individual recession curves were typified by Q0=0.19-9.11, α= 0.089-0.243, and Krb=0.7843-0.9148. As for the master recession curve, it had Q0=9.99, α=0.085, and Krb=0.928. These results signify a sloping recession curve, meaning that the water storage and aquifer characteristics that store and transmit water in Alang Subwatershed are in good condition.


individual recession curve; master recession curve; baseflow recession curve

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Accredited Journal, Based on Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia Number 225/E/KPT/2022, Vol 54 No 1 the Year 2022 - Vol 58 No 2 the Year 2026 (accreditation certificate download)

ISSN 2354-9114 (online), ISSN 0024-9521 (print)
