
Issue Title
Vol 54, No 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Geography 30-Year Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Air Surface Temperature as Climate Change Mitigation Abstract  PDF
Adi Wibowo, Tia Pramudyasari, Suko Prayitno Adi, Ratna Saraswati, Iqbal Putut Ash Shidiq
Vol 56, No 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography Climate Changes on the Amount of Rain and Temperature from 1990-2018 in Madaba, Jordan using Geographical Information Systems Abstract  PDF
Shatha Rawashdeh, Ahmed A Thneibat, Zubeida Aladwan, Ayed Taran, Abdallah Alrababah
Vol 53, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Geography Transformational Adaptation in Agriculture under Climate Change: A Case Study in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka Abstract  PDF
Lal Mervin Dharmasiri, Mangala Jayarathne
Vol 55, No 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Geography Monitoring the the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on the Phenology of Natural Vegetation Using 250m MODIS-NDVI Satellite Data: Cace Study of the Dryland Ecosystem of Sokoto, North-Westrn Nigeria. Abstract  PDF
Abubakar Magaji Jibrillah, Nathanial Bayode Eniolorunda, Garba Abdulmumin Budah, Dalhatu Ahmad
Vol 54, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Geography Biomass carbon stock assessment of mangrove ecosystem in Pannikiang Island South Sulawesi Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Abdul Malik, Uca Sideng, Jaelani Jaelani
Vol 50, No 2 (2018): Indonesian Journal of Geography Participatory implementation within climate change related policies in urbanized area of Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Utia Suarma, Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, Sudibyakto Sudibyakto, Emilya Nurjani
Vol 56, No 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography Contribution of Commuters and Transit Activities on The Road Transport Carbondioxides Emission in Surakarta Abstract  PDF
Widhi Himawan, Sajidan Sajidan, Sunarto Sunarto, Prabang Setyono, Natasha Nancy, Sovia Wijayanti
Vol 52, No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Geography Community Group Networking on the Community-based Adaptation Measure in Tapak Village, Semarang Coastal Area Abstract  PDF
Bintang Septiarani, Wiwandari Handayani
Vol 53, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Geography Climatic Anomalies and Glacial Dynamics in the Himalayan Region Northern Pakistan: A Spatio-Statistical Approach Abstract  PDF
Zarka Mukhtar, Fazlul Haq, Syed Ali Asad Naqvi, Munazza Afreen
Vol 56, No 3 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography Climate Change Adaptation in Batang Hari, Jambi: A Case Study of Rainfed Paddy Farmers Abstract  PDF
Mulia Nasution, Setyawan Purnama, Andung Bayu Sekaranom
Vol 46, No 2 (2014): Indonesian Journal of Geography Impacts of land cover change on climate trend in Padang Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Dedi Hermon
Vol 38, No 1 (2006): Indonesian Journal of Geography Long Term Rainfall Trend of The Brantas Catchment Area, East Java Abstract  PDF
Edvin Aldrian, Yudha Setiawan Djamil
Djoko Harmantyo
Vol 47, No 2 (2015): Indonesian Journal of Geography Climate Change Dynamics and Imperatives for Food Security in Nigeria Abstract  PDF
Olumide D. Onafeso, Cornelius O. Akanni, Bamidele A. Badejo
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