Proportion and Quality of X-Y Chromosome Bearing Sperm on Diluted Semen After Incubation in Different Time of Etawah Crossbreed Goat
Nurcholidah Solihati(1*)
(1) Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
(*) Corresponding Author
Sperm sexing technology is one of the alternatives to predict the sex according to the wishes of farmers, in order to improve reproductive efficiency and increase the efficiency of livestock business. There is one important factors affecting in the successfull of sperm separation especially using BSA method, that is incubation time. This research was aimed to 1) determine the effect of incubation time on the proportion and quality of X-Y chromosome bearing sperm from diluted semen of Etawah Crossbreed; 2) to get the incubation time that produce the highest proportion of X cromosom bearing sperm with highest semen quality. The research use completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments (T1 = 45 incubation time, T2 = 60 incubation time, and T3 = 75 incubation time) with 10 replications. Parameter measured were proportion X-Y sperm, motility and Intact Plasma Membrane (IPM). Data were analyzed using analysis variance followed by Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that the largest percentage proportion of X-Y spermatozoa in the upper fraction belongs to T1 (75.40±3.20%) followed by T2 (64.40±4.58%) and T3 (53.60±2.80%). The largest percentage of bottom fraction is at T3 (81.00±2.58%) follow by T1 (67.50±5.68%) and T2 (65.00±4.47%). The results showed that the largest percentage motility of X-Y spermatozoa in the upper fraction belongs to T1 (72.89±2.13%) followed by T2 (70.57±3.82%) and T3 (68.26±3.69%). The results showed that the largest percentage IPM of X-Y spermatozoa in the upper fraction belongs to T1 (74.05±1.86%) followed by T2 (71.75±1.46%) and T3 (67.85±2.14%). Based on the results it is concluded that incubation time affect on proportion of X-Y sperm and quality of dilute semen from of Etawah Crossbreed Goats, the incubation time of 45 minutes is the optimum time to produce highes proportion of X-Y chromosome bearing sperm and diluted semen quality of Etawah Crossbreed goats.
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