Restriction Feed and Refeeding Evaluation for Consumption, Feed Cost, Income Over Feed Cost, Percentage of Carcass and Meat Quality of Kacang Goat

Bambang Suwignyo(1*), M. S. Haq(2), Setiyono Setiyono(3), Edi Suryanto(4)

(1) Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(2) Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(3) Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(4) Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the effect of restriction feed and refeeding for consumption, feed cost, income over feed cost, percentage of carcass and meat quality of Kacang goat. A total of nine male Kacang goats average age of 12 months with an average weight of 14.96 kg fed consisting of hay forage peanut (rendeng) and concentrate. Goats were divided into three treatment groups. Three goats control (P0) fed based on the needs of dry matter (DM) 3.5% of body weight, three goats feed restriction treatment 50% (P1) and three goats feed restriction treatment 60% (P2) of the requirement by BK for 30 day. The variables measured were intake of dry matter (DM), intake of organic matter (BO), feed cost, the percentage of carcass and meat quality. Data were analyzed by the method of completely randomized design (CRD) pattern unidirectional followed by least signi cant different (LSD). The result showed that restriction feed and refeeding signi cant effect on intake of dry matter (DM), intake of organic matter (BO), but did not affect feed cost, percentage of carcass and meat quality. It is concluded that with the effect of restriction feed and refeeding for consumption can produce a similar growth of male Kacang goats. 


feed restriction, refeeding, Kacang goat, feed cost, percentage of carcass

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