Analysis of butyrophilin gene polymorphism in buffalo population in khouzestan province by pcr-rflp technique
Beigi Nassiri. M. T.(1*)
(1) Department of Animal Science, Ramin Agricultural & Natural Resources University, Mola Sani, Ahwaz, Iran
(*) Corresponding Author
Butyrophilin gene is known as gene candidate for analysis the fatty milk and it has used as selective marker. Biochemical butyrophilin is acid glycoprotein that constituted more than 40% total protein fat globule membrane in cow. Study purpose was Analysis butyrophilin gene polymorphism in buffalo population in Khouzestan province. Blood sample were collected from 80 buffalos from Shadegan, Dezful, Shoshtar, Susangerd and Ahwaz station. DNA extraction was based on Boom et al method, and exons 8 of the butyrophilin gene were amplified to produce an 893 bp fragment. The amplified fragment were digested with Hae III restriction endonuclease, and then subjected to electrophoretic separation in ethidium bromide-stained 3% agarose gel. The results were revealed only allele A. All the samples studied indicating the monomorphic nature of the locus, showing AA genotype.
Polymorphism, Butyrophilin gene, PCR-RFLP, Buffalo
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