Quality changes of burger from vegetable, wheat flour, rice flour with fat emulsion during frozen storage
P.H.G.J. De Silva(1*)
(1) *Department of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka and †Keells Food Products PLC, Sri Lanka
(*) Corresponding Author
Physical, chemical, microbial & sensory changes of newly formulated veggie burger prepared from rice flour wheat flour with (RW5E) and without (RI0E) fat emulsion, rice flour isolated soya protein (ISP) with (RI5E) and without (RI0E) fat emulsion were periodically analyzed during 0 frozen storage at -18 C for 90 days. RW5E was the best sample based on sensory and it was the best option to lessen purge & increase WHC followed by others. This study was indicated that the addition of RW5E to veggie burger exhibited reasonable shelf life & acceptable in terms of nutritional value &
sensory merits.
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