Djoni Prawira Rahardja(1*), Abdul Latief Tolleng(2)

(1) Animal Husbandry Faculty, Hasanuddin University — Makassar, Indonesia
(2) Animal Husbandry Faculty, Hasanuddin University — Makassar, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Water balance in 5 does of Kacang goat originated from Jeneponto was studied under the condition of sunlight exposure and water restriction. The study was conducted in dry season with 4 consecutive treatments of 10 d with 4-5 d of adjustment period between two treatments : (1) indoor and unrestricted water; (2) indoor and restricted water; (3) 10 h outdoor —and unrestricted .water; (4) 10 h outdoor — restricted water. Daily intakes of food and water, urine and faecal output, rectal temperature, respiration rate, and some haematology values were determined. The animals were placed in individual cages and fed with chopped native grass and multinutrient block unrestrictedly. The outdoor environment with direct exposure to sunlight was attributed to solar radiation in addition to a higher daily maximum
air temperature (39.3 °C) than that of the indoor environment (30 QC). The plasma volume of the goats was significantly increased in the outdoor environment. Water restriction either in indoor or outdoor enviromnent resulted in a significant lower the plasma volume compared to that of unrestricted water in the same environment. The hematocrit value was higher in the indoor that in the outdoor environment and water restriction in the same enviromnent increased the hematocrit value. The intake and utilization of organic matter were not significantly affected by a higher daily maximum of the air temperature in the outdoor environment. Water restriction either in the indoor or outdoor enviromnent resulted in reducing the intake and utilization of organic matter simultaneously with reducing the amounts of water loss through urination, defication and evaporation. However, the relative importance (% of total water exchange) of each evenue of water loss in the same environment was not significantly altered by water restriction. The importance of evaporation the outdoor
environment was higher significantly in, while the other avenues were reduced significantly. The findings suggest clearly that sunlight exposure with unrestricted water resulted in a positive water balance of the Jeneponto goat without a significant change in the amount of digestible organic matter. The goat appeared to be able to withstand in the harsh environment by expanding plasma volume and increasing body temperature. On the other hands, water restriction resulted in a negative water balance and reducing the intake and the amotmt of digestible organic matter either in the indoor and outdoor environment.


Goat, Sun Exposure, Water Restriction, Water Balance, Organic Matter Digestion

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