S. lskandar(1*), H. Resnawati(2), Zainuddin Zainuddin(3), Y.C. Raharjo(4), B. Gunawan(5)

(1) Research Institute for Animal Production, P.O. Box 221 Bogor 16002
(2) Research Institute for Animal Production, P.O. Box 221 Bogor 16002
(3) Research Institute for Animal Production, P.O. Box 221 Bogor 16002
(4) Research Institute for Animal Production, P.O. Box 221 Bogor 16002
(5) Research Institute for Animal Production, P.O. Box 221 Bogor 16002
(*) Corresponding Author


The study was undertaken in order to look for appropriate feeding of native meat type of chickens (crossbred of Pelung x Kampung, named as Pelung cross chicken). 'lhere were 360 day-old crossbred chicks raised in colony type of cages, provided with drinkers and feed troughs. Commencing from one day old, the chicks were grouped into ten of mixed sex in each cage. The birds were then fed with nine experimental diets, varied in protein content and patterns. The patterns were starting period, commencing from 0 to 6 weeks of age and finishing period, continuing from 6 to l2 weeks of age. The first dietary protein treatment (=P1) was 210 g Crude Protein (CP) /kg at starting and 170 g CP /kg for finishing; P2 was 190 at starting and 170 g CP Ikg at finishing; P2 was for treatment with I70 at start and l70 g CP/kg at final periods; P4 was for 210 and 150 g CP /kg; P5 was for 190 and 150 g CP/kg; P6 was for 170 then l50 g CP/kg; P7 was for 150 then 150 g CP/kg; P8 was for 190 then l90 g CP/kg, and P9 was for 150 then 190 g CP/kg. Weekly bodyweight and food consumpnon were recorded. At the end of feeding trial period, rnetabolizable energy, nitrogen retention, food retention time and
feeding capacity measurements were then carried out from different groups of birds within the same group of treatment. Bodyweight at twelve week of age of chickens of Pl, P2, P4, P5, P8 and P9 (ranging between ll46 and 1205 g/chicken) were not significantly different (P>.05). Whilst bodyweight of chickens of P3, P6 and P7 were significantly (P>.05) lower (ranging between 1046 and 1099 g/chicken) than of the chickens of previous groups. Feed intake of all groups of chickens was not significantly different (P>.05) with the highest was shown by the
chickens ironr Pl (3403 g/bird) and the lowest was of chickens from P9 (3198 g/chicken). Feed conversion ratio was affected by dietary treatments, where the chickens showed the lowest value on P1 (2.90) and the highest shown by the chickens in group P6 (3.18). Calculating income over feed cost, chicken of Pl returned the highest income (Rp 4,672), which was significantly different (P<.05) fi'0m the lowest income of chicken in P6 (Rp 3,879). The shortest food
retention time of chicken of P7 (122 minute/bird) was significantly different (P<.05) from the bird of P5 (172.5 minutes/bird, the longest). There was not consistent effect of dietary protein treatments on ME- and nitrogen retention figures, which were ranging between 11.14 and 12.91 MJME/kg and 4.75 g protein retained kg). Forn-hour feed intake as proportion to 24-hour intake was the lowest (37.66 %) in P8 and the highest (54.37 %) in P4 chickens. The pattern of
P9, offering 150 g CP/kg at starting period and 190 g CP/kg at finishing period, was probably optimum pattern for fattening native chickens of Pelung-cross.


Pelung-cross chicken, Dietary protein, Growth.

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