Sri Sudaryati(1*)

(1) Faculty of Animal Science, University Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of dual protein feedings
of isocalory feed on the egg quality of laying hens. Sixty Lohmarm Brown hens 24
weeks of age were randomly divided into four group of 15 hens each and individual
hen as a replication The hens were given ad libitum access of feeds during feeding
time. Morning feeding time was given during 08.00-12.00 (AM) whereas afiemoon
feeding time was given during 12.00-18.00 (PM). The treatments were, treatment A,
hens were fed both AM and PM with 16% crude protein (CP) (16/16); Treatment B,
hens fed 13% CP during AM and 16% CP during PM (13/16); Treatment C, hens
fed 16% CP during AM and 13% CP during PM (16/13), and the last treatment D,
hens fed both AM and PM with 13% CP (13/13). The treatments were ended when
hens reached 36 weeks of age. Data collected were the egg components of the last
three days of 28 days cycles of egg production. The data collected were analysed by
analysis variance and DMRT was applied to evaluate the differences. Correlation
analyses were used to know the link between protein consumption either in the
morning or in the afternoon and totally protein consumption in each of egg
component. Results showed that dual protein feedings atfected the weight of egg and albumen and the percentages of yolk, shell, albumen and the shell thickness too
(P> 0.01). Egg and albtu-nen weight and the percentage of albumen of treatment A
and B were higher than treatment C and D (1150.01). The yolk: albumen ratio,
percentage of yolk and the shell thickness decreased by egg weight.
Aflernoon protein consumption significantly correlated (P>0.01) with the weight of
egg, albumen and the percentage of albumen with coefficient correlation r = 0.485;
0.432; and -0.263 respectively. Total protein consumption significantly correlated
with weight of egg and albumen (P>0.01) with coefiicient correlation r = 0.379 and
0.343 respectively. Low protein feeding in the morning followed by high protein in
the afiemoon can increase the weight of egg especially albumen weight.


Laying hens, Dual protein feedings, Egg quality

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