Potential of wasted crops and its carrying capacity for improving Bali Cattle Productivity case study in Bali Province
Anastasia Sischa Jati Utami(1*), Yusti Pujiawati(2)
(1) Bali Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology,
(2) Bali Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology,
(*) Corresponding Author
The cattle business obstacle is limited availability of land due to competition from food
crops. The farming system is integrated between food crop and livestock, one of the solutions to
ensure the availability of feed. To analyze the potential development of Bali Cattle business in the
province of Bali the calculation of the increasing capacity of ruminant livestock (KPPTR). This
analysis requires data on harvested area and production of food crops such as sweet potatoes,
cassava, mung beans, peanuts, soybeans, corn and paddy. The results of KPPTR-SL calculation, all
the provinces in Bali have negative KPPTR values with the highest values found in Denpasar city,
while the lowest values are found in Karangasem District. The food crop waste produced can be
used as a source of forage for the high livestock population in Buleleng and Karangasem, but when
viewed from the value of KPPTR-SL Karangasem and Buleleng regencies have overpopulated and
low capacity for develop livestock. In terms of TDN and crude protein production from each food
crop waste has not been sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of cattle in Buleleng and
Karangasem districts. Karangasem and Buleleng as districts with the highest cattle population
produce total digestible nutrient (TDN) based on crop waste is 38,633.08 DM/ton and 53,776.22
DM/ton. TDN production from food crop waste is still not sufficient to meet the needs of TDN for
cattle weighing 250-350 kg. Karangasem district produces crude protein from agricultural waste of
3,103.37 tons/DM while the need for cattle assuming a weight of 250-350 kg 26.269,02
tons/year/populations. The same thing shown in Buleleng district that producing crude protein from
agricultural waste of 3,226.75 tons/DM with needs that must be met for cattle weighing 250-350 kg
is 28.718,61 – 33.697,11 tons/year/population. The combination of agricultural waste and legumes
can be an effort to increase the crude protein content of feed, in addition to the add with
concentrates with local feed ingredients can be use to increase the TDN content of feed.
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