Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Man Terpilih di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta(Analyze of The Factors that Influence Demand of Special Fishery Product in Yogyakarta Special Region Province

Agus Setiadi(1*), Irham Irham(2)
(1) Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
(2) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
It use secondary time series datas, datas taken from the the fishery service statistic of the Yogyakarta Spesial Region Province and Biro of Statistic Center Yogyakarta Spesial Region Province, datas which are produced along the period 1980-2000. Analyze model applied here is the demand function expressed in ordinary least square (OLS) by natural logarithm (ln).
The conclusion result shown that the function demand of tuna small fish was significantly influence by own price, freshwater catfish, and cooking oil price while freshwater fish, chicken meat price, chicken egg price, rice price, income percapita and dummy variabel are not influence demand function of tuna small fish significantly. Cross elasticity of freshwater catfish and cooking oil are positive so freshwater catfish and cooking oil are subtitute to tuna small fish.
The conclusion result shown that the demand function of freshwater catfish was significantly influence by own price, tuna small fish price, chicken meat price, goat meat price and chicken egg price while the others factors i.e cooking oil price, soybean price, inhabitant Yogyakarta Spesial Region Province, income percapita and dummy variable are not significantly influence the demand function of freshwater catfish. Cross elasticity of chicken meat, goat meat, chicken egg, and tuna small fish are positive so chicken meat, goat meat, chicken egg, and tuna small fish are subtitute to freshwater catfish.
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