Correlation Between Tp-Te Interval With the Degree of Disfunction in Liver Cirrhosis Based on Child Pugh Turcotte Score in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital

RA Aditya Adhi Puruhita(1*), Hasanah Mumpuni(2), Neneng Ratnasari(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Background. Hyperdynamic syndrome due to portal hypertension in cirrhosis of the liver leads to failure of
contractions and cardiac structures that result in complications of cardiomyopathy cirrhosis. The incidence
of arrhythmias was reported in various non- cardiac diseases including liver cirrhosis. We aim to evaluate
the T peak wave - T end (Tp-Te) as a parameter for suspected arrhythmias that occur in liver cirrhosis.
Aims. To  determine the  correlation between the  Tp-Te  interval  with dysfunction in the degree of liver
cirrhosis, which was assessed using the Child Pugh Turcotte score.
Methods. This research is a cross-sectional study. Data taken from liver cirrhosis patients who has been met
the inclusion and exclusion criteria were admitted to the Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Dr. Sardjito until
May 2020, an assessment of the degree of dysfunction of liver cirrhosis with Child Pugh score Turcotte, and
electrocardiographic examination to assess Tp-Te wave. The independent variable was the Child Pugh Turcotte
score, the dependent variable was the Tp-Te wavelength. Analysis of correlation data using the Spearman test.
Results. Subjects included 51 patients with liver cirrhosis, correlation analysis found a strong correlation,
the higher the Child Pugh Turcotte score was linearly correlated with the Tp-Te wavelength (r = 0.692; p
<0.05). Wavelength Tp-Te at Child Pugh to any group showed a significant (p <0.001) , the wavelength
of Tp-Te Child Pugh A  group   67.94 ± 7.80 ms, the Child Pugh  B group   77.26 ± 8.38 ms, whereas in
the Child Pugh C group 92.31 ± 11.36 ms.
Conclusion.  There was a strong positive correlation between the Tp-Te interval with the degree of liver
cirrhosis dysfunction which was assessed using the Child Pugh Turcotte score.


 Tp-Te; Child Pugh Turcotte; liver cirrhosis

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