Determinan Kepemilikan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Bagi Pekerja Sektor Informal di Sumatera Barat: Analisis Data Susenas Tahun 2022

Shelvy Haria Roza(1*)

(1) Universitas Andalas
(*) Corresponding Author


The NHI ownership in Indonesia has not reached the target for 2021 (87%). NHI ownership in the West Sumatra Province is lower than national coverage (83,9%). Indonesia's challenge in expanding the coverage of NHI ownership is to include informal sector workers. This study aims to determine the determinants of the ownership of the NHI of informal sector workers in West Sumatra. Quantitative cross-sectional research with secondary data analysis of the National Social Economic Survey (Susenas) 2022 has a sample of informal workers aged 15-64 covered in Susenas 2022. Data is analyzed by STATA Ver.14 univariate, bivariate using chi-square, and multivariates using logistic regression. More than half of informal workers in West Sumatera have NHI (71,26%), informal workers are higher in the pre-retirement age group (27,61%), male (58,7%), low-educated (94,12%), living in rural areas (66,67%), non-agricultural worker (51,9%), 40 percent lower spending (59,82%), using the internet (53,81%), no health complaints (62,97%). NHI ownership is significantly related to age, gender, educational background, residency, job, internet use, and health complaints. The most influential factor was residency (OR = 1,941). The area of residence factor is most related to NHI ownership. Residency factors that are difficult to intervene in then need cultural approaches such as involving community figures or indigenous leaders to participate in the NHI program.


NHI ownership; informal workers; Susenas


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