Pelaksanaan Program Pemuda Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan Di Pedesaan (Psp-3) Dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Kewirausahaan Pemuda Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Ekonomi Wilayah (Studi Di Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul D.I Yogyakarta)

Deni Ramdani(1*)
(1) Anggota forum Purna PSP3-Kota Bandung
(*) Corresponding Author
The execution of PSP3’s program was realized correctly that was touching assorted of activity component in the public that was economics, education and social. The activity of program had the character of fl exible accomodating with need there in the public. The execution of program PSP3 in the region of Dlingo District faced various constraints like geographical condition, language factor and cultural, lack of a reliable source of support from local local government, fi nancing element of management of program. Programme PSP3 in the Dlingo district was not able yet to increased economic resilience in the region, because was not able yet to increased enterpreneurship independence in Dlingo District
Pelaksanaan program PSP3 direalisasikan dengan tepat yaitu menyentuh berbagai macam komponen kegiatan di masyarakat yaitu perekonomian, pendidikan dan sosial. Kegiatan program bersifat fleksibel menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang ada di masyarakat. Pelaksanaan program PSP3 di wilayah Kecamatan Dlingo menghadapi berbagai kendala seperti kondisi geografis, faktor bahasa dan budaya, kurangnya dukungan dari pemerintah daerah setempat, unsur pendanaan dari pengelola program. Program PSP3 di wilayah Kecamatan Dlingo belum dapat meningkatkan ketahanan ekonomi di wilayah tersebut, karena belum dapat meningkatkan kemandirian kewirausahaan di Kecamatan Dlingo
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