Peran Regulasi Diri Terhadap Perilaku Phubbing dan Implikasinya Pada Ketahanan Pribadi (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Aan Fatwa Setiawan(1*)

(1) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas YARSI
(*) Corresponding Author




Students in their daily lives have a high tendency to use smartphones, so they are very vulnerable to being exposed to phubbing behaviour. Therefore, students need self-regulation as an ability to deal with various vulnerabilities that are present continuously, so that an effort is needed to mitigate, navigate, and intervene in personal resilience of student.

Researchers used a mixed-methdos explanatory design to obtain data on the role and description of self-regulation on phubbing behaviour, as well as its implications for the personal resilience of Gadjah Mada University students. In quantitative research, 177 student participants were obtained, while in qualitative research, 6 student participants were obtained.

The results showed that self-regulation has a significant role in phubbing behaviour in Gadjah Mada University students. There are 76% of students in the category of moderate self-regulation and moderate phubbing behaviour. In self-regulation there are two abilities, namely external abilities and internal abilities. While in phubbing behaviour there are two tendencies, namely phubbing victims and phubbing perpetrators. The combination of internal and external abilities can help students manage phubbing behaviour more effectively, indicating that strong self-regulation can reduce the tendency to engage in phubbing behaviour. Then on the implications of the research, it was found that students' personal resilience becomes vulnerable when they become phubbing perpetrators or phubbing victims and present new threats, disturbances, obstacles, and challenges (AGHT) for students as the successor to the leadership of the nation and state.


Self-Regulation, Phubbing Behavior; Personal Resilience; National Resilience

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